She’ll make Iran, Syria worse: What the media won’t tell you about our foreign policy — and how hawkish Hillary will pour the kerosene
The truth about our foreign policy is on display, if we choose to look. If only we ever learned the right lessons What an unusual season—or seasons, I should say. The inner workings of American foreign policy are rarely as…

What Donald Trump doesn’t know might save us: He’s unschooled, but at least he’s no American exceptionalist or neo-con ideologue
Forget his impractical foreign policy solutions. Trump scares elites because he is rethinking U.S. military might The Russians have long understood that words are actions. A linguist and literary critic prominent in the last century added to the thought by…

We brought this on ourselves, and we are the terrorists, too
There is no more ducking the point: It’s not terror only when it happens to us. Our “shock and awe” is terror, too Within an hour or two of the bombings in Brussels Monday, it was plain that there were…

It is urgent that she’s stopped: Hillary Clinton’s nightmare neoliberalism and American exceptionalism makes the world a dangerous place
American foreign policy has not worked for decades. Hillary believes all of its myths to her core. This is scary Much mail arrived after the column published in this space last Sunday, wherein I examined the likely character of a…

As reckless as George W. Bush: Hillary Clinton helped create disorder in Iraq, Libya, Syria — and, scarier, doesn’t seem to understand how
American primacy at all cost. That’s her dangerous guiding mission. Only Bush, Nixon loved imperial adventure more As of the voting in various primaries last week and this week, Hillary Rodham Clinton has the surest way to the White House…

The real story about Syria and Libya: Behind a new agreement with Moscow, and the insidious way the New York Times protects Hillary
A new accord with Moscow on Syria clears up little. And a new Times series on Clinton and Libya has a messy agenda Hardly does the Syria accord announced jointly in Washington and Moscow last week clarify the swamp of…

This is how we spooked Putin: What the New York Times won’t tell you about the American adventure in Ukraine
The failure of Washington’s most adventurous power assertion in post-Cold War period can no longer be papered over All of a sudden, straight out of nowhere, Ukraine creeps back into the news. There is renewed fighting in the rebellious eastern…

This is how the CIA botched Iraq post-9/11: Bob Gates, careerist sycophancy, and the real history of the Deep State
A veteran CIA officer explains to Salon exactly where the agency has gone wrong for decades — and the consequences In a lengthy exchange with Ray McGovern, or when you listen to him speak, a lot comes at you. This…

“Intelligent people know that the empire is on the downhill”: A veteran CIA agent spills the goods on the Deep State and our foreign policy nightmares
After almost 30 years in the CIA, Ray McGovern became a truth-teller. He sits down with Salon for a long debriefing I first heard Ray McGovern speak on a country road in the New England hills. This was courtesy of…

“Cruel bastards hang together: All you need to know”: The world according to the New York Times
American media covers the world through American eyes. Let’s look at Syria the way the rest of the world does The long-anticipated all-parties conference on Syria was scheduled to open in Geneva Monday, but of course it did not. Now…
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