Stand up and fight, Mr. President!
The moment requires courage, conviction — and presidential leadership. How will President Obama respond? Remarkable doings at the U.N. this week. Remember these days. They are going to change the way we understand the dynamic in the Middle East —…

Was America ever exceptional?
This country suffers because we can’t distinguish between strength and power This article originally appeared at The Globalist. America was exceptional once – but not for the reasons we Americans commonly think of. America was exceptional from independence until 1890…

Let’s hope for an American defeat over Syria
It’s time to walk away from the deadly, irrational myth of American might The Syria crisis deepens not by the day but by the hour, and it delivers us to the threshold of a reality that will cause some to…

Manipulated by power: What is wrong with the New York Times?
The government is manipulating facts. There’s no credible evidence on Syria. Why is the Times pretending otherwise? The conflict between democracy at home and empire abroad has beset this nation since the Spanish-American War, a brief interlude of imperial display…

Lapdog media learns nothing, beats war drums again
Have we forgotten Judith Miller already? Or Colin Powell at the U.N.? Before attacking Syria, let’s know the truth As of this writing, early Thursday morning, some Syrians are scheduled to pay with their lives for America’s “credibility.” The bombarding…

Yellowcake all over again: Don’t believe the Syrian interventionists
Possible chemical weapons attack has the usual hawks urging intervention in Syria. Their intel could be wrong again What we know about what just happened in Syria: Someone seems to have sent chemically toxic substances into several suburbs of Damascus…

New York Times: Complicit in the destruction of Egyptian democracy
U.S. policy is clear: No democracy for Islamic majorities. Why does the media parrot Obama’s Orwellian double talk? We finish a tragic, fateful week in Egypt. There seems no turning back from its flows of blood and its political reversals,…

There is no terrorist threat: The feds want you to think there is, compliant media goes along
“Chatter” from “affiliates” causes a “crisis,” while media reports nonsense generated to justify NSA surveillance Summertime, and the chicanery is easy. The Obama administration’s latest rendering of our invisible but eternal “terrorist threat,” I mean. After a week of ghost…

Snowden, Manning: The face of patriotism
Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden are really standing up to those who would radically reinterpret the Constitution A big week on the spookery front — and some of the news is good. With asylum in Russia, Edward Snowden stands a…

A threat Israel must listen to
New European Union guidelines over the West Bank could force Netanyahu to the table — and lead to real talks Remember when the U.S. used to call itself “the honest broker” in the Middle East, conjuring the image of blind…
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