Lee Kuan Yew is finally dead — and America’s elites are eulogizing a tyrant and psychological monster
Lee Kuan Yew made Singapore wealthy & kept people in line with barbaric fear. Clinton & Kissinger should be ashamed It would be difficult to match Boris Yeltsin, the drunkard who turned tanks on Russia’s post-Soviet democracy, for the effusions…

America’s immoral exceptionalism: The lie we keep telling ourselves about foreign policy and democracy
Americans are disgusted with all of these wars, but feel powerless to do anything about it The task of historians in our time is to unbury the buried. For journalists, it is to see that the truth of events is…

Tom Cotton’s war on reality: The GOP will recognize no limits
The extreme right will risk global conflict to preserve the fading dream of America’s eternal hegemony That letter Republican senators, 47 of the 54 now seated, sent to Iran this week to sabotage the Obama administration’s nuclear talks is preposterous…

Let’s all pity Netanyahu and the GOP: Israel, Iran, irrational thinking — and Thomas Friedman’s usual muddled nonsense
A reactionary leader addressing a reactionary legislature will expose the creeping irrelevance of them both Many readers will have seen Benjamin Netanyahu’s sentimentally charged but otherwise empty speech to Congress on Tuesday. If you missed it, you can watch it…

Rudy Giuliani’s dangerous game: Jeb Bush, patriotic lies, and the truth about American exceptionalism
Our politicians are selling us fictions dressed up as patriotism. We need a new approach — and not another Bush “I do not believe that the president loves America. He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t…

Our embarrassing, servile media: Does the New York Times just print everything the government tells it?
The paper of record is carrying Washington’s water in its Ukraine reporting — all too believing, once again As the crisis in Ukraine lurches on, and as a media war is ever more prominent a feature of it, I think…

Neoliberalism is our Frankenstein: Greece and Ukraine are the hot spots of a new war for supremacy
We should be considering the Greece and Ukraine crises together. If only the news media would allow that Europe’s confrontation with Greece, the West’s with Russia as the Ukraine crisis runs nearly out of control: Why is it more useful…

The New York Times does what it’s told: What the media’s not telling you about our next likely foreign intervention
Drumbeat to arm Ukraine forces gets louder. Even Brookings and Times “liberals” are on board. That means danger… This column is a little bit about Ukraine, and we have brand-new things to think about as of this week. It is…

Distortions, lies and omissions: The New York Times won’t tell you the real story behind Ukraine, Russian economic collapse
International papers will cover America’s role in the world honestly. Only our best paper willingly blinds itself A note arrived a few days ago from one of my best informants in Europe. He had just met across a hotel dining…
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