Dick Cheney’s demented last laugh: Neoconservatives destroyed American exceptionalism, but made Obama collateral damage
This July 4, we know our foreign policy must change after the neocon’s Iraq disaster. Let’s take the right lessons Our national polls—run by the media, a few universities, and foundations such as Pew—seem to represent us better than our…

Bomb-crazy, “do something” neocons must be stopped — or Iraq will be Obama’s Vietnam
We have done enough harm. We’re not able to do good. We must simply admit the enormity of our mistake — and change It is too soon to quote Reagan, much as one always longs to do so, and exclaim,…

George W. Bush’s horrific, deadly blunder: Would Saddam Hussein be better than Iraq’s new hell?
Eleven years, and so much death, misery and destruction later, Iraq’s best outcome looks like the one Bush upended Foreign policy, at least the American kind, is like a stone thrown into a pond: The ripples outward go on and…

American exceptionalism and American innocence: The misleading history and messages of the 9/11 Memorial Museum
The 9/11 Memorial gets grief profoundly. But the museum cynically exploits tragedy, confuses history with ideology After a dozen years of thinking, planning, disputing, designing, building and — we cannot leave this out — patriotic hyperventilating, we have a museum…

“Literally pointless”: Charles Krauthammer and disastrously wrong neocons misread Obama, again
Neocons blast West Point speech, miss the obvious: Obama’s foreign policy problem is stagnantly thinking like them President Obama has just advised us that the front edge of our country’s foreign policy has shifted — shifted again, that is to…

God won’t save us: Memorial Day, honest history and our new military-industrial complex
Americans believe we are guided by divine providence. Obama’s strange presidency shows the work of something else Memorial Day comes, always a curious occasion in a nation devoted to forgetting so much of its past. Count this column one among…

They’re lying about Ukraine, again: Primitive prejudice, stupidity and the reflexive compliance of the New York Times
We have had the full-frontal porn of an American subversion op, a coverup — then the media’s supine cooperation However Ukrainians settle their drastic differences — and they can, providing all sides find the will to do so — a…

Samantha Power’s brazen hypocrisy: Media swallows propaganda, but here’s the truth about Ukraine
The media swallows U.S. propaganda whole. Here’s the truth about Ukraine — and what it shows about American power Ukraine comes full circle. In six months, a troubled but intact nation is now pulled to pieces. Vasyl Krutov, the general…

“A corrosive dereliction of duty”: Why the New York Times’ America-first journalism is so dangerous
Our foreign affairs columnist explains his problem with American exceptionalism, and with the New York Times Sanctions to the right of them, Sanctions to the left of them, Sanctions in front of them Volley’d and thunder’d; Into the valley of…

Putin bests Obama — and that’s good! Also, Reddit helps catch more New York Times propaganda
American exceptionalism takes another hit, as does the credibility of the Times’ foreign coverage The argument has been made several times in this space that President Obama is as a flyweight in the ring with a counterpuncher such as Vladimir…
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