Thomas Friedman, supreme toady: Also, shameless!
Shame on the Times and other media for falsely spinning Ukraine events. We now await the inevitable U.S. betrayal Months of discontent in Kiev and the western portion of Ukraine combust into an explosion of provocation and response, unwarranted violence,…

You’re being lied to about Afghanistan: The terrorists there include us
When we treat civilians as collateral damage, no wonder Hamid Karzai trusts us as little as the U.S. trusts him Some readers may recall the joke that went around when George W. Bush launched Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan shortly…

Misinformation, disinformation, lies: Can the New York Times’ foreign coverage be trusted at all?
The Times walks back a story about Syria and chemical weapons, a reminder of the media’s complicity with power The big doings do not stop in the Middle East. We now have a deal on Iran’s nuclear program that anyone…

American empire is over: Somebody tell John Kerry!
New York Times embarrassingly praises Biden and Kerry’s sorrowful efforts, all unaware U.S. exceptionalism is dead We have made ourselves a navel-gazing folk, a little like Americans of the 19th century — until we lunged into the world by bravely…

Chomsky’s right: The New York Times’ latest big lie
More misleading half-truths from a paper too cowed by power and myth to tell the truth about U.S. foreign policy Never before have I written a column concerning nothing more than a pair of quotation marks. Then again, never until…

Middling logic, middling newspaper: New York Times bows to government, again, on NSA
By withholding details of Edward Snowden documents, the paper of record shows it cares more about power than news Ever since Edward Snowden made his daring leap into the kingdom of his own conscience last spring, I have tried and…

Let’s hope for an American defeat over Syria
It’s time to walk away from the deadly, irrational myth of American might The Syria crisis deepens not by the day but by the hour, and it delivers us to the threshold of a reality that will cause some to…

Manipulated by power: What is wrong with the New York Times?
The government is manipulating facts. There’s no credible evidence on Syria. Why is the Times pretending otherwise? The conflict between democracy at home and empire abroad has beset this nation since the Spanish-American War, a brief interlude of imperial display…

Lapdog media learns nothing, beats war drums again
Have we forgotten Judith Miller already? Or Colin Powell at the U.N.? Before attacking Syria, let’s know the truth As of this writing, early Thursday morning, some Syrians are scheduled to pay with their lives for America’s “credibility.” The bombarding…

New York Times: Complicit in the destruction of Egyptian democracy
U.S. policy is clear: No democracy for Islamic majorities. Why does the media parrot Obama’s Orwellian double talk? We finish a tragic, fateful week in Egypt. There seems no turning back from its flows of blood and its political reversals,…
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