Jill Abramson’s sad admission: “I don’t think the press, in general, did publish any stories that upset the Bush White House”
Why did the New York Times back down again and again and hold important stories? The reasons are infuriating There are some singular features of our time — truly the time of the assassins, to take Henry Miller’s phrase. The…

Propaganda ministers, all of them: Our pathetic, spoon-fed media pushes half-truths, again
You can’t separate MH-17 debate from Ukraine debate. Washington wants to, and a compliant media helps — as always I would like to meet Anastasia Lukina. No, not because of the elegant name. I have two better reasons. Lukina is…

“Literally pointless”: Charles Krauthammer and disastrously wrong neocons misread Obama, again
Neocons blast West Point speech, miss the obvious: Obama’s foreign policy problem is stagnantly thinking like them President Obama has just advised us that the front edge of our country’s foreign policy has shifted — shifted again, that is to…

They’re lying about Ukraine, again: Primitive prejudice, stupidity and the reflexive compliance of the New York Times
We have had the full-frontal porn of an American subversion op, a coverup — then the media’s supine cooperation However Ukrainians settle their drastic differences — and they can, providing all sides find the will to do so — a…

“A corrosive dereliction of duty”: Why the New York Times’ America-first journalism is so dangerous
Our foreign affairs columnist explains his problem with American exceptionalism, and with the New York Times Sanctions to the right of them, Sanctions to the left of them, Sanctions in front of them Volley’d and thunder’d; Into the valley of…

Putin bests Obama — and that’s good! Also, Reddit helps catch more New York Times propaganda
American exceptionalism takes another hit, as does the credibility of the Times’ foreign coverage The argument has been made several times in this space that President Obama is as a flyweight in the ring with a counterpuncher such as Vladimir…

Liberal media myth officially dead: Brazen propaganda, historical amnesia and the New York Times
Does Obama have control of his own intelligence agencies? Also, the Times has an ironic definition of propaganda This shapes up as an important week in the Ukraine crisis. We have already witnessed the extent to which the provisional government…

The New York Times manufactures ignorance: More half-truths about Ukraine
Once again, the media and the foreign policy establishment are dangerously misreading history and current events Vladimir Putin was very Vlad this week, as 97 percent of voting Crimeans elected to quit the mess Ukraine has become and rejoin Russia….

John McCain, cranky, warmongering madman, again: Why does the New York Times print these lunatic ravings?
An out-of-control McCain calls for Obama to draw a red line in Crimea. The New York Times just goes right along One develops an odd liking for John McCain over time—attenuated but not grudging. The Republican senator who once found…

Propaganda, lies and the New York Times: Everything you really need to know about Ukraine
The media keeps buying the American spin on what’s happening in Ukraine. Let’s cut through the fog You need a machete these days to whack through the thicket of misinformation, disinformation, spin, propaganda and straight-out lying that daily envelopes the…
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