Putin might be right on Syria: The actual strategy behind his Middle East push — and why the New York Times keeps obscuring it
There’s actually common sense and historical vision behind the Putin plan. Not that our media covers it honestly One sentence in a news report the other day on Russia’s assertive new campaign to subdue Islamic extremists in Syria simply will…

The government’s authoritarian war on journalism: How a flaccid press enabled this Orwellian disgrace
Officials launch an all-out assault on free press — with nary an objection from the Fourth Estate’s guardians. Many readers will know, or know of, the Committee to Protect Journalists. It has been around since the early 1980s and does…

The U.S.-Russia “phony war”: How Washington warmongers could bring us from stalemate to catastrophe
One of two outcomes is likely: Another long Cold War, or a great power conflict. The Ukraine crisis and the attendant confrontation with Russia assume a “phony war” feel these days. As in the perversely calm months between the German…

We restarted the Cold War: The real story about the NATO buildup that the New York Times won’t tell you
Our leaders and media push time-worn nonsense about American innocence, while taking aggressive moves. Look out. Have you picked up on the new trope du jour? We are all encouraged to bask in our innocence as we lament the advent…

We are the propagandists: The real story about how The New York Times and the White House has turned truth in the Ukraine on its head
A sophisticated game of manipulation is afoot over Russia: power, influence and money. U.S. hands are not clean. A couple of weeks ago, this column guardedly suggested that John Kerry’s day-long talks in Sochi with Vladimir Putin and his foreign…

Reinventing the Foreign Correspondent
Between 1990 and 2004, three years before he died at 74, Ryszard Kapuściński gave a series of lectures around Europe. These shared a theme that suggests a late-in-life preoccupation. A half-dozen of Kapuściński’s talks were published posthumously (in 2008) as…

The New York Times “basically rewrites whatever the Kiev authorities say”: Stephen F. Cohen on the U.S./Russia/Ukraine history the media won’t tell you
There’s an alternative story of Russian relations we’re not hearing. Historian Stephen Cohen tells it here It is one thing to comment in a column as the Ukrainian crisis grinds on and Washington—senselessly, with no idea of what will come…

Our embarrassing, servile media: Does the New York Times just print everything the government tells it?
The paper of record is carrying Washington’s water in its Ukraine reporting — all too believing, once again As the crisis in Ukraine lurches on, and as a media war is ever more prominent a feature of it, I think…

The New York Times does what it’s told: What the media’s not telling you about our next likely foreign intervention
Drumbeat to arm Ukraine forces gets louder. Even Brookings and Times “liberals” are on board. That means danger… This column is a little bit about Ukraine, and we have brand-new things to think about as of this week. It is…
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