Unraveling the axis of stupid: How Iran deal sends neocons, exceptionalists and Fox News xenophobes to dustbin of history
Let Know Nothings, Tea Party and Trump crowd rail against the deal. They rail against reality, modernity, history. This Iran deal, sealed a week ago, makes me think of those cruises people take up the Pacific coast into Arctic climes:…

The untold story of the Greece coup: Another democratically elected leader tossed overboard for not submitting to economic orthodoxy
The Greek people said no to austerity, knowing the path would be hard. They learned bittersweet, painful lessons. A scant week ago it looked as if Greeks were about to teach all of us something of great value. With their…

Radical austerity’s brutal lies: How Krugman and Chomsky saw through dehumanizing neoliberal spin
The battle in Greece is identical to the one we need to be waging right here for fairness over markets and banks. The referendum in Greece refuting the European Union’s unbending insistence on radical austerity as the medicine Greeks must…

“Where is the public outcry for an explanation of how the longest war in American history is on a course to end in failure?”
The brilliant foreign policy theorist Andrew Bacevich tells Salon how American exceptionalism makes matters worse. Andrew Bacevich has been a singular critic of American foreign policy since he began publishing on the topic 13 years ago. His second book, “American…

We restarted the Cold War: The real story about the NATO buildup that the New York Times won’t tell you
Our leaders and media push time-worn nonsense about American innocence, while taking aggressive moves. Look out. Have you picked up on the new trope du jour? We are all encouraged to bask in our innocence as we lament the advent…

We are the propagandists: The real story about how The New York Times and the White House has turned truth in the Ukraine on its head
A sophisticated game of manipulation is afoot over Russia: power, influence and money. U.S. hands are not clean. A couple of weeks ago, this column guardedly suggested that John Kerry’s day-long talks in Sochi with Vladimir Putin and his foreign…

Big banks run everything: Austerity, the IMF and the real story about world economy that the media won’t tell you
If you want to understand what’s really happening in Greece and Ukraine, just follow the money. Fascinating to watch the International Monetary Fund as it fronts for the U.S. Treasury and international lenders in the Greek and Ukrainian debt crises….

America on Memorial Day: Heavily armed, dangerous, unstable
America is powerful. We are not strong. Now is the time to understand the difference — and to put away the myths. The world never stops turning, of course, but when it is your turn to walk upon it the…

John Kerry admits defeat: The Ukraine story the media won’t tell, and why U.S. retreat is a good thing
The U.S. seems to admit it overplayed its hand over Ukraine. Caving to reality is actually the best possible policy. It is just as well Secretary of State John Kerry’s momentous meetings with Russian leaders last week took place in…
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