The government’s authoritarian war on journalism: How a flaccid press enabled this Orwellian disgrace
Officials launch an all-out assault on free press — with nary an objection from the Fourth Estate’s guardians. Many readers will know, or know of, the Committee to Protect Journalists. It has been around since the early 1980s and does…

Donald Trump’s biggest crime is his honesty: How he exposes the sickening rot at the core of the GOP
Republicans have spent decades dressing up fear as courage, pretending at seriousness while advancing hysteria. Many of us cast last week’s Republican debate in Cleveland as entertainment—I have heard the thought repeated many times—but this seems to me a cheap…

The U.S.-Russia “phony war”: How Washington warmongers could bring us from stalemate to catastrophe
One of two outcomes is likely: Another long Cold War, or a great power conflict. The Ukraine crisis and the attendant confrontation with Russia assume a “phony war” feel these days. As in the perversely calm months between the German…

Our monumental Turkey blunder: Who put the American exceptionalists back in charge?
Take a hard, careful look at what the hawks in the Obama administration—and it is crawling with them—have just done by bringing Turkey into the fight against the Islamic State. Given the blur the campaign against ISIS has become, with…

Unraveling the axis of stupid: How Iran deal sends neocons, exceptionalists and Fox News xenophobes to dustbin of history
Let Know Nothings, Tea Party and Trump crowd rail against the deal. They rail against reality, modernity, history. This Iran deal, sealed a week ago, makes me think of those cruises people take up the Pacific coast into Arctic climes:…

The untold story of the Greece coup: Another democratically elected leader tossed overboard for not submitting to economic orthodoxy
The Greek people said no to austerity, knowing the path would be hard. They learned bittersweet, painful lessons. A scant week ago it looked as if Greeks were about to teach all of us something of great value. With their…

Radical austerity’s brutal lies: How Krugman and Chomsky saw through dehumanizing neoliberal spin
The battle in Greece is identical to the one we need to be waging right here for fairness over markets and banks. The referendum in Greece refuting the European Union’s unbending insistence on radical austerity as the medicine Greeks must…

“Where is the public outcry for an explanation of how the longest war in American history is on a course to end in failure?”
The brilliant foreign policy theorist Andrew Bacevich tells Salon how American exceptionalism makes matters worse. Andrew Bacevich has been a singular critic of American foreign policy since he began publishing on the topic 13 years ago. His second book, “American…

We restarted the Cold War: The real story about the NATO buildup that the New York Times won’t tell you
Our leaders and media push time-worn nonsense about American innocence, while taking aggressive moves. Look out. Have you picked up on the new trope du jour? We are all encouraged to bask in our innocence as we lament the advent…
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