Lapdog media learns nothing, beats war drums again
Have we forgotten Judith Miller already? Or Colin Powell at the U.N.? Before attacking Syria, let’s know the truth As of this writing, early Thursday morning, some Syrians are scheduled to pay with their lives for America’s “credibility.” The bombarding…

Syrian Crisis Exposes Obama’s Failed Mideast Policy
The U.S. response to the escalating Syria crisis requires more thought than emotion, and it has to reach across the board—to Egypt, to Iran, to the friendly, repressive Saudis and the friendly, repressive emirates, to the antagonizing Russians. In a word,…

Yellowcake all over again: Don’t believe the Syrian interventionists
Possible chemical weapons attack has the usual hawks urging intervention in Syria. Their intel could be wrong again What we know about what just happened in Syria: Someone seems to have sent chemically toxic substances into several suburbs of Damascus…

How Obama Got It Wrong in Egypt
President Obama has just made a fateful choice in Egypt. He has chosen a side in the violent confrontation between supporters of the nation’s first elected president and the army generals who deposed him in a coup six weeks ago….

New York Times: Complicit in the destruction of Egyptian democracy
U.S. policy is clear: No democracy for Islamic majorities. Why does the media parrot Obama’s Orwellian double talk? We finish a tragic, fateful week in Egypt. There seems no turning back from its flows of blood and its political reversals,…

Obama’s Putin Policy: Flinch and Retreat
Washington and Moscow have a lot to talk about, but President Obama canceled the scheduled one-on-one meeting with President Vladimir Putin next month, as the two had planned. The Syrian crisis, a multitude of questions concerning Iran, nuclear arms reductions,…

There is no terrorist threat: The feds want you to think there is, compliant media goes along
“Chatter” from “affiliates” causes a “crisis,” while media reports nonsense generated to justify NSA surveillance Summertime, and the chicanery is easy. The Obama administration’s latest rendering of our invisible but eternal “terrorist threat,” I mean. After a week of ghost…

Why the U.S. Is Crashing in the Middle East
Is it too soon to suggest that the Obama administration’s Middle East policy is collapsing? An unusual spurt of news from across the region points to failed US policies: (1) The U.S. has been outpaced in the region since the Arab…

Snowden, Manning: The face of patriotism
Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden are really standing up to those who would radically reinterpret the Constitution A big week on the spookery front — and some of the news is good. With asylum in Russia, Edward Snowden stands a…
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