Tom Cotton’s war on reality: The GOP will recognize no limits
The extreme right will risk global conflict to preserve the fading dream of America’s eternal hegemony That letter Republican senators, 47 of the 54 now seated, sent to Iran this week to sabotage the Obama administration’s nuclear talks is preposterous…
Our embarrassing, servile media: Does the New York Times just print everything the government tells it?
The paper of record is carrying Washington’s water in its Ukraine reporting — all too believing, once again As the crisis in Ukraine lurches on, and as a media war is ever more prominent a feature of it, I think…
Saving Ukraine: Why the IMF’s Bailout May not Work
Could last week’s ceasefire in Ukraine, announced in Minsk Thursday after 17 hours of negotiation, have been any more dramatic? The German and French leaders, who presided in the Belarus capital, leapt into 11th hour action when Washington disclosed it…
Neoliberalism is our Frankenstein: Greece and Ukraine are the hot spots of a new war for supremacy
We should be considering the Greece and Ukraine crises together. If only the news media would allow that Europe’s confrontation with Greece, the West’s with Russia as the Ukraine crisis runs nearly out of control: Why is it more useful…
Ukraine’s Second Front: Obama and Kerry Are Now at War With Europe
The Obama administration appears to be spinning the Ukraine crisis out of control and doing serious damage to trans-Atlantic relations all at once. Tensions between Europe and the U.S. over how to address the year-old crisis in Ukraine have simmered…
The New York Times does what it’s told: What the media’s not telling you about our next likely foreign intervention
Drumbeat to arm Ukraine forces gets louder. Even Brookings and Times “liberals” are on board. That means danger… This column is a little bit about Ukraine, and we have brand-new things to think about as of this week. It is…
Distortions, lies and omissions: The New York Times won’t tell you the real story behind Ukraine, Russian economic collapse
International papers will cover America’s role in the world honestly. Only our best paper willingly blinds itself A note arrived a few days ago from one of my best informants in Europe. He had just met across a hotel dining…
Beyond the foreign policy lies: Our compliant media and the truth about American exceptionalism
A new year begins, and America must resolve to do different & better. Here’s a roadmap. It starts with clear eyes We have put away our argyle cardigans, drawn close to the fire, listened to the Crosby records, and roasted…
Fallout from Obama’s Russia Strategy Is Spreading through Europe
The Obama administration’s sanctions against Russia, reluctantly supported by the Europeans, bite more deeply every day. But it is also clearer with each daily news report that Russians are not going to suffer alone. Russia’s immediate neighbors and the Europeans…
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