They’re lying about Ukraine, again: Primitive prejudice, stupidity and the reflexive compliance of the New York Times
We have had the full-frontal porn of an American subversion op, a coverup — then the media’s supine cooperation However Ukrainians settle their drastic differences — and they can, providing all sides find the will to do so — a…

Ukraine’s Choices: Unity or a Fractured Federation
The referendums in Ukraine almost nobody wanted are now part of the story, and they have little meaning but some significance. Let’s explore the difference. One way or another, the two votes on Sunday bring the nation a step further…

The Sanctions Against Russia Are a Dangerous Game
Crunch time in Ukraine approaches. This is not simply because the country’s east and south are “essentially at war,” as Vasyl Krutov, the general who leads what the provisional government in Kiev insists is its “anti-terror” operation,acknowledged on Sunday. The…

“A corrosive dereliction of duty”: Why the New York Times’ America-first journalism is so dangerous
Our foreign affairs columnist explains his problem with American exceptionalism, and with the New York Times Sanctions to the right of them, Sanctions to the left of them, Sanctions in front of them Volley’d and thunder’d; Into the valley of…

Federalizing Ukraine Gives Putin Exactly What He Wants
Whatever anyone may think of Vladimir Putin, there is no longer any denying his mastery of statecraft. The Russian president’s gifts for surprise and exploiting the mistakes of those set against him, evident all along in the Ukraine crisis, now…

Does Putin Want to Carve Up Ukraine and Take the Spoils?
Rich in oil and minerals, the economic benefits would help the Russian economy. As Crimeans voted overwhelmingly Sunday to quit Ukraine and join Russia, Vladimir Putin continued his calibrated campaign to increase the Russian presence in and around Ukraine. The famously…

The Ukraine Delusion: Freedom Over the Economy
Charges and counter-charges now overtake the Ukraine crisis. It is a thicket at this point, with contradictions and hypocrisy in plentiful supply. The self-appointed government in Kiev, the parliament in constitutionally autonomous Crimea, the Russians, the Americans and Europeans—all miss…

The Limits of East-West Fusion in Ukraine
For a few days after protesters of varied political stripes and legislators of different motives deposed President Viktor Yanukovych, you could call Ukraine a story of new possibilities. In a weekend, it turned into a story of limits and futility….

The Two Ukraines Portend a Disastrous Possibility
In less than a week, the simmering crisis in Ukraine has tipped into tragedy and tumbled straight down to existential calamity. As Viktor Yanukovych fled Saturday from the presidential compound in Kiev to a hotel room in the eastern city…

The world is right to hate us: Arrogance, ignorance and obscene foreign policy
This White House was supposed to be different. But our arrogant foreign policy has been the same since the 1950s Every time we overhear American diplomats talking when we are not supposed to, the conduct of American foreign policy sounds…
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