How America built its empire: The real history of American foreign policy that the media won’t tell you
Perry Anderson sits down with Salon to discuss the Cold War, Hiroshima, American exceptionalism, Iran and more The other day I wrote Perry Anderson, the subject of the following interview, to ask what he thought of the foreign policy debates,…

We do what we damn well please: The demented American exceptionalism behind the neo-con foreign policy con
The right wants to substitute religious belief and ideology for reality and smarts. The Iran deal won’t derail them A few blocks south of where I sit, the 70th General Assembly just opened in the U.N.’s glass slab on Manhattan’s East…

How the Iran Deal Alters Ties That Bind
Whatever one thinks of the accord governing Iran’s nuclear program, Iran and the six nations that sat across from it for 18 tough months of negotiation—the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and China—will begin this autumn to implement the deal…

How GOP Candidates Would Steer U.S. Foreign Policy
With the start of a long season of debates and campaigning among presidential hopefuls, it’s time to start scrutinizing foreign policy positions more closely along party lines. How will a Republican president steer the nation in a complex global world?…

Iran and Climate Change – Two Global Issues on Obama’s Bucket List
The Iran nuclear accord and the White House’s new plan to cut power-plant emissions, to be unveiled Monday, have but one thing in common. It’s a question, and it’s the biggest now facing this nation: Do Americans want the U.S….

Unraveling the axis of stupid: How Iran deal sends neocons, exceptionalists and Fox News xenophobes to dustbin of history
Let Know Nothings, Tea Party and Trump crowd rail against the deal. They rail against reality, modernity, history. This Iran deal, sealed a week ago, makes me think of those cruises people take up the Pacific coast into Arctic climes:…

Obama Iran Doctrine: Get the Deal You Can, Not the Deal You Want
Amid all the questions already raised about the Obama administration’s deal governing Iran’s nuclear program, we know this much already: It won’t be as hard to sell this on Capitol Hill as it was getting Tehran to come to terms,…

John Kerry admits defeat: The Ukraine story the media won’t tell, and why U.S. retreat is a good thing
The U.S. seems to admit it overplayed its hand over Ukraine. Caving to reality is actually the best possible policy. It is just as well Secretary of State John Kerry’s momentous meetings with Russian leaders last week took place in…

Obama’s Deals with Cuba, Iran, TPP Split Congress
Ia single week, two interesting Congressional bills caught my attention. On Tuesday, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted unanimously to send a bill to the floor requiring President Obama to subject any deal reached with Iran governing its nuclear program…

Neocons get desperate: The real reason why Iran deal drives the right-wing nuts
The GOP’s screaming because they know American exceptionalism is at risk. That’s a good reason to root for the deal You know very well that we are in for a messy scrap over the accord Secretary of State John Kerry…
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