Liberal media myth officially dead: Brazen propaganda, historical amnesia and the New York Times
Does Obama have control of his own intelligence agencies? Also, the Times has an ironic definition of propaganda This shapes up as an important week in the Ukraine crisis. We have already witnessed the extent to which the provisional government…

Barack Obama pulls a George W. Bush: Lies, misinformation and chemical weapons
Remember the almost-war in Syria last year? An amazing new report — which our media won’t touch — is a must read Am I misjudging our time, or have we entered some accelerated cycle of American subversions, and then another…

Someone teach John Kerry about history!
There’s a reason why Putin makes Kerry and the president look clownish: He understands the history others forget Many Americans flinch from the latest turn in the Ukraine crisis now that Vladimir Putin has taken control of it. It was…

The New York Times manufactures ignorance: More half-truths about Ukraine
Once again, the media and the foreign policy establishment are dangerously misreading history and current events Vladimir Putin was very Vlad this week, as 97 percent of voting Crimeans elected to quit the mess Ukraine has become and rejoin Russia….

John McCain, cranky, warmongering madman, again: Why does the New York Times print these lunatic ravings?
An out-of-control McCain calls for Obama to draw a red line in Crimea. The New York Times just goes right along One develops an odd liking for John McCain over time—attenuated but not grudging. The Republican senator who once found…

Propaganda, lies and the New York Times: Everything you really need to know about Ukraine
The media keeps buying the American spin on what’s happening in Ukraine. Let’s cut through the fog You need a machete these days to whack through the thicket of misinformation, disinformation, spin, propaganda and straight-out lying that daily envelopes the…

Propaganda and nonsense: Even more New York Times hypocrisy
What the New York Times and John Kerry pretend to forget is the real history of America’s noxious role in the world “You just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on a…

Thomas Friedman, supreme toady: Also, shameless!
Shame on the Times and other media for falsely spinning Ukraine events. We now await the inevitable U.S. betrayal Months of discontent in Kiev and the western portion of Ukraine combust into an explosion of provocation and response, unwarranted violence,…

John Kerry’s policy of surrender: His failures are redefining American exceptionalism
Perhaps the secretary of state knows what he is doing: His many failures actually point to a smarter foreign policy We have just marked a year since John Kerry launched himself, at 69, as America’s chief diplomat. And for most…

The world is right to hate us: Arrogance, ignorance and obscene foreign policy
This White House was supposed to be different. But our arrogant foreign policy has been the same since the 1950s Every time we overhear American diplomats talking when we are not supposed to, the conduct of American foreign policy sounds…
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