We can’t have more of the same: The very real dangers of Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy
Trump may well be dangerous. But know what you’re getting with Hillary: American hegemony that’s hated worldwide Just what we needed: another foreign policy speech from Candidate Clinton. This one arrived last Thursday in San Diego—well-chosen ground, given the Navy’s…

“This will stop only when the American people get fed up”: American exceptionalism, the New York Times, and our foreign policy after Barack Obama
Our smartest modern military historian explains to Salon what’s wrong about our adventures in the Middle East Part one of my interview with Andrew Bacevich, the soldier-turned-scholar who has just published “America’s War for the Greater Middle East: A Military…

We can’t vote for either one: On world stage, Clinton and Trump present different, but serious, dangers
It is pathetically impossible to determine which one would be worse, the only metric we have left. It’s OK to pass As of this past week Americans voters have their choices in November—all three of them. I do not see…

Trump opposed Iraq. Hillary voted for war: Let’s take his foreign policy vision seriously
Trump gets some things very wrong. But today’s speech was still daring, spot on and important contrast with Hillary Donald Trump on foreign policy. You start out thinking this is going to be roughly akin to George W. discoursing on,…

Trump Is the Wrong Messenger, But He’s Raised Some of the Right Issues
Donald Trump is never short of controversial remarks and highly unlikely policy positions, but his recent ventures into foreign affairs have prompted unusually sharp reactions even by Trump’s standards. First came a scathing open letter from 120-odd Republican national security…

What Donald Trump doesn’t know might save us: He’s unschooled, but at least he’s no American exceptionalist or neo-con ideologue
Forget his impractical foreign policy solutions. Trump scares elites because he is rethinking U.S. military might The Russians have long understood that words are actions. A linguist and literary critic prominent in the last century added to the thought by…

Bernie Sanders and David Brooks, both wrong: This year of Fox News and Donald Trump-fueled rage can’t be fixed by any candidate
We are angry. We are afraid. We are exceptional. And the problem with America is that very combination Everything was going smoothly these holidays just past. Then, on the last day of the year, David Ignatius published an opinion piece in the…

How Foreign Policy Became a Top Issue in the Presidential Campaign
Our 2016 presidential campaigns have acquired a truly novel feature: Suddenly, foreign policy is a front-burner issue among American voters. This hasn’t been so for at least a couple of generations. Is this a passing phenomenon? Or are we watching…

Donald Trump’s biggest crime is his honesty: How he exposes the sickening rot at the core of the GOP
Republicans have spent decades dressing up fear as courage, pretending at seriousness while advancing hysteria. Many of us cast last week’s Republican debate in Cleveland as entertainment—I have heard the thought repeated many times—but this seems to me a cheap…
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