We can’t vote for either one: On world stage, Clinton and Trump present different, but serious, dangers
It is pathetically impossible to determine which one would be worse, the only metric we have left. It’s OK to pass As of this past week Americans voters have their choices in November—all three of them. I do not see…

We are all just this screwed: Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and our muddled, perverted democracy
Hillary will be the nominee this fall. Time to examine what Bernie achieved and how it might go different next time The consensus is not complete, but it will be soon enough. Bernie Sanders is not going to make it,…

Trump opposed Iraq. Hillary voted for war: Let’s take his foreign policy vision seriously
Trump gets some things very wrong. But today’s speech was still daring, spot on and important contrast with Hillary Donald Trump on foreign policy. You start out thinking this is going to be roughly akin to George W. discoursing on,…

She’ll make Iran, Syria worse: What the media won’t tell you about our foreign policy — and how hawkish Hillary will pour the kerosene
The truth about our foreign policy is on display, if we choose to look. If only we ever learned the right lessons What an unusual season—or seasons, I should say. The inner workings of American foreign policy are rarely as…

While Europe Girds for the Next Attack, Is the US in ISIS’s Crosshairs?
The terror attacks in Brussels last week fairly zapped the American political conversation. Among our presidential aspirants, it’s suddenly all about foreign policy and national security—a long overdue focus. We have two new truths confronting us now. One, the Islamic…

It is urgent that she’s stopped: Hillary Clinton’s nightmare neoliberalism and American exceptionalism makes the world a dangerous place
American foreign policy has not worked for decades. Hillary believes all of its myths to her core. This is scary Much mail arrived after the column published in this space last Sunday, wherein I examined the likely character of a…

As reckless as George W. Bush: Hillary Clinton helped create disorder in Iraq, Libya, Syria — and, scarier, doesn’t seem to understand how
American primacy at all cost. That’s her dangerous guiding mission. Only Bush, Nixon loved imperial adventure more As of the voting in various primaries last week and this week, Hillary Rodham Clinton has the surest way to the White House…

Bernie Sanders and David Brooks, both wrong: This year of Fox News and Donald Trump-fueled rage can’t be fixed by any candidate
We are angry. We are afraid. We are exceptional. And the problem with America is that very combination Everything was going smoothly these holidays just past. Then, on the last day of the year, David Ignatius published an opinion piece in the…

How Foreign Policy Became a Top Issue in the Presidential Campaign
Our 2016 presidential campaigns have acquired a truly novel feature: Suddenly, foreign policy is a front-burner issue among American voters. This hasn’t been so for at least a couple of generations. Is this a passing phenomenon? Or are we watching…
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