These are lies the New York Times wants you to believe about Russia
Our sanctions caused Russia’s downturn. They protect Big Oil, the well-connected, and make the world more dangerous You can look at the Russian economy two ways now and you should. So let’s: It is an important moment in the destruction…

New York Times propagandists exposed: Finally, the truth about Ukraine and Putin emerges
NATO was the aggressor and got Ukraine wrong. Many months later, the media has eventually Well, well, well. Gloating is unseemly, especially in public, but give me this one, will you? It has been a long and lonely winter defending the…

“Our media have betrayed us incessantly this year”
This is a day to give thanks and to remember. That’s harder and harder with a media that wants us to forget It grows more difficult, all thinking people must admit, to figure out what we Americans are to be…

We are the terrorists too: Thomas Friedman and John Kerry are misleading you about the Middle East
The New York Times and the administration are spinning post-Arab Spring era. Let’s set the facts straight At a diplomatic do in New York the other night, someone remarked that the events that broke the Middle East wide open four…

What really happened in Beijing: Putin, Obama, Xi — and the back story the media won’t tell you
Ukraine, Iran’s nukes, the price of oil: There are ties worthy of a Bourne film, if the media connected the dots By way of events on the foreign side, the past few weeks start to resemble some once-in-a-while event in…
The New York Times doesn’t want you to understand this Vladimir Putin speech
The Russian leader delivers an important foreign policy address we should consider. The Times botches it badly Give me a sec to count. In my lifetime the Soviet Union and latterly the Russian Federation have had nine leaders. Stalin’s death…

“Have we forgotten how beautiful it is to be on fire for justice?”
No matter the country, our foreign policy seems to make the same mistake over and over. What’s behind this pattern? “Novelists write the secret histories of nations.” I am not sure who made this bull’s eye remark. But I cite…

We’ve corporatized the planet: The unseemly secret about America’s foreign policy
In Ukraine, however, these efforts seem to have failed. Here’s why that’s a good thing We do not read much about Ukraine lately, do we? With unseemly speed, among the most important developments of the last few years has fallen…

Lies the media repeats about Iraq: Phony patriotism, fake Syrian “moderates” and the very real end of empire
We have made a shocking mess in the Middle East. This new adventure sets America up for incredible decline In history there are the Punic Wars and the Opium Wars, each a turning point, and now we must talk of…

“A steady flow of stupidity”: Reality in Ukraine — and Obama and the New York Times’ bizarro parallel universe
A new cease-fire in Ukraine seems durable — despite best efforts of Washington and the media to provoke conflict We may or may not have a durable cease-fire in Ukraine, given reports of sporadic shelling and machine-gun fire, by who…
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