The New York Times does its government’s bidding: Here’s what you’re not being told about U.S. troops in Ukraine
U.S. troops are now operating openly in Ukraine. The “paper of record’s” “coverage” is an embarrassment, per usual. As of mid-April, when a Pentagon flack announced it in Kiev, and as barely reported in American media, U.S. troops are now…

The Abe-Obama Trans-Pacific Trade Deal Is in Trouble
The Trans-Pacific Partnership, until recently background noise for many Americans, is about to become another field of battle in Washington. As of last week, when Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe concluded an unusually long state visit, we’re on notice: This…

The real story behind Shinzo Abe’s visit: China, TPP and what the media won’t tell you about this state visit
We witness reordination of a relationship between the U.S. and Japan that should have died a bad death decades ago. The grande fête Washington has laid on all week for Shinzo Abe, Japan’s prime minister, is very unusual on the…

Reinventing the Foreign Correspondent
Between 1990 and 2004, three years before he died at 74, Ryszard Kapuściński gave a series of lectures around Europe. These shared a theme that suggests a late-in-life preoccupation. A half-dozen of Kapuściński’s talks were published posthumously (in 2008) as…

The Global Immigration Crisis Is Changing the Face of Europe
A rickety, overcrowded ship sinks in the Mediterranean and the long-festering problem of illegal migrants crossing into southern Europe is suddenly an emergency. The Financial Times calls the human flow into the European Union “one of the most serious challenges…

“Architects of American policy towards Russia and Ukraine are destroying American national security”: Stephen F. Cohen on the truths U.S. media and politicians hide
Myths of American nationalism busted as our interview with noted scholar concludes If there is a lesson in Stephen F. Cohen’s professional fortunes over the past year, it is the peril of advancing a dispassionate reading of our great country’s…

Obama’s Deals with Cuba, Iran, TPP Split Congress
Ia single week, two interesting Congressional bills caught my attention. On Tuesday, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted unanimously to send a bill to the floor requiring President Obama to subject any deal reached with Iran governing its nuclear program…

The New York Times “basically rewrites whatever the Kiev authorities say”: Stephen F. Cohen on the U.S./Russia/Ukraine history the media won’t tell you
There’s an alternative story of Russian relations we’re not hearing. Historian Stephen Cohen tells it here It is one thing to comment in a column as the Ukrainian crisis grinds on and Washington—senselessly, with no idea of what will come…

Why Greece Should Consider a Eurozone ‘Grexit’
Slower than a roller coaster but faster than a glacier, Europe advances toward a denouement on the Greek questions—and there are several at this point. Fearful of the answers, Europeans are doing what they seem to do best, which is…

Neocons get desperate: The real reason why Iran deal drives the right-wing nuts
The GOP’s screaming because they know American exceptionalism is at risk. That’s a good reason to root for the deal You know very well that we are in for a messy scrap over the accord Secretary of State John Kerry…
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