How the US and Russia Can Make the Syria Ceasefire Deal Last
We have a serious “cessation of hostilities” in Syria, finally, and it’s the best chance for peace since protests became violent four years ago. But there was no sliver of daylight between the joint announcement of the U.S.-Russian agreement last…

This is how we spooked Putin: What the New York Times won’t tell you about the American adventure in Ukraine
The failure of Washington’s most adventurous power assertion in post-Cold War period can no longer be papered over All of a sudden, straight out of nowhere, Ukraine creeps back into the news. There is renewed fighting in the rebellious eastern…

Despite Cameron’s ‘Deal,’ a Brexit Could Still Cripple the EU
Prime Minister David Cameron cut his deal with the European Union late last Friday, making Britain a nation of “Ins” and “Outs” for the next five months. Should the EU’s most powerful member remain part of the union or go…

A New World War? Russia and the US Look for a Way to Cool Down Syria
Two things emerged from the Munich security conference last week, which seem to make little sense when considered side by side. One, the major powers agreed to a “cessation of hostilities” in Syria. Skeptics think this will amount to little…

This is how the CIA botched Iraq post-9/11: Bob Gates, careerist sycophancy, and the real history of the Deep State
A veteran CIA officer explains to Salon exactly where the agency has gone wrong for decades — and the consequences In a lengthy exchange with Ray McGovern, or when you listen to him speak, a lot comes at you. This…

As Syria Talks Flop, Obama Is Painted Into a Corner
So much for the Syrian peace process. With the opening of talks in Geneva last Monday, their collapse two days later, and little hope their resumption February 25thwill bear much more fruit, the four-year war in Syria takes a new…

“Intelligent people know that the empire is on the downhill”: A veteran CIA agent spills the goods on the Deep State and our foreign policy nightmares
After almost 30 years in the CIA, Ray McGovern became a truth-teller. He sits down with Salon for a long debriefing I first heard Ray McGovern speak on a country road in the New England hills. This was courtesy of…

Why US Companies Are Left Out as Iran Gets Back to Business
It’s hard to say who pounced more quickly, the Iranians or the rest of the world, when punishing international sanctions were lifted last month. In a matter of days, the Islamic Republic is back in business. As expected, the European…

“Cruel bastards hang together: All you need to know”: The world according to the New York Times
American media covers the world through American eyes. Let’s look at Syria the way the rest of the world does The long-anticipated all-parties conference on Syria was scheduled to open in Geneva Monday, but of course it did not. Now…

One Year Later, Europe’s Migrant Crisis Could Sink the EU
It’s now nearly a year since waves of migrants from the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia began pounding European shores. Apart from the appalling human tragedies unfolding daily, it looks as if the greatest casualty of all may…
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