You’re being lied to about Afghanistan: The terrorists there include us
When we treat civilians as collateral damage, no wonder Hamid Karzai trusts us as little as the U.S. trusts him Some readers may recall the joke that went around when George W. Bush launched Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan shortly…

State of Foreign Policy: Not a Sharp Picture
The blogs and newspapers tell us President Obama will be firing on all cylinders when he delivers his State of the Union speech Tuesday. He plans to push the reset button, reassert command and drive an agenda, and declare a…

Glenn Greenwald’s heroism: Standing up to our new Orwellian police state
Empty NSA reforms will change nothing. The surveillance state subverts the law — and the president is complicit The deed has been done, there now for all to see. President Obama’s speech on the authority of the National Security Agency confirms…

Misinformation, disinformation, lies: Can the New York Times’ foreign coverage be trusted at all?
The Times walks back a story about Syria and chemical weapons, a reminder of the media’s complicity with power The big doings do not stop in the Middle East. We now have a deal on Iran’s nuclear program that anyone…

Why Iran Is Now Obama’s Best Middle East Bet
“What are we supposed to do now?” pundits and policymakers ask these days. The full question being, “What now that the Middle East spins like a dervish and the Obama administration has lost its grip on every major issue in…

Washington hates real democracy: The reality is worse than anything Robert Gates suggests
It’s deeper than Gates’ new book: We’ve no control over events, but — dangerously — keep pretending we do The third anniversary of the Arab Spring is upon us. Three years ago next week Tunisians toppled the crooked regime of…

Why the Global Economy Could Go Off the Rails in 2014
You do not have to go far to hear that financial hard times are over in 2014. But no one looking around the global economy could possibly miss the work still undone. Some see potholes deep enough to send the…

Our Orwellian reality: Drone wars, surveillance, a lapdog media — and you
Our government lies to itself — and to us. Like Edward Snowden, it is time for us all to stand up for our values This column is not another look back, another of those tedious end-of-year rituals the very best…
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