Obama’s Deals with Cuba, Iran, TPP Split Congress
Ia single week, two interesting Congressional bills caught my attention. On Tuesday, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted unanimously to send a bill to the floor requiring President Obama to subject any deal reached with Iran governing its nuclear program…
How Secret How Secret Global Trade Talks Can Destroy the InternetGlobal Trade Talks Can Destroy the Internet
Talks on the two biggest trade agreements in history are reaching critical stages, and none of us knows anything about them. Like it or not, this is ignorance by design: Months of negotiations across both oceans have proceeded in secret,…
Is “Abenomics” Japan’s Second Economic Miracle?
Shinzo Abe is proving to be a surprise-a-minute prime minister. This week he will announce his intention to enter talks with the US on a controversial free-trade pact called the Trans–Pacific Partnership, according to Japanese media. It is the latest…
How a Resurgent Japan Puts Washington on the Spot
“Japan is back.” That was the message Shinzo Abe, the new Japanese prime minister, delivered to President Barack Obama at the White House a few days ago. Obama, in turn, made nice, praising the US–Japan alliance as “the central foundation…
U.S.-China: Obama Foolishly Taunts the Dragon
The most striking outcome of President Obama’s busy crisscrossing of the Pacific last week is this: The U.S. is now going to station 2,500 Marines in Australia and develop (it hopes) a trade-enhancing organization called the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP….
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