Patrick Lawrence: Gaza: Kamala Harris and the Disgrace of Denial
Outrage is a very fine thing. So is indignity. They are good for the circulation and keep one alert, I have always found. This is why I read The New York Times as diligently as I do. The once-but-no-longer newspaper…

Government Supervised Times, Wartime Reporting, and More
We talk to Patrick Lawrence about Ukraine by diving deeper into his recent articles written for ScheerPost.

The Syria dilemma: Dissecting the leaked diplomats memo calling for Obama to get tougher on Assad
Something smells fishy when a hawkish State Dept. memo “leaks” to the Times on the eve of Sec. Clinton’s nomination It has been clear for some time that the Syria conflict was bound to turn into some magnitude of Waterloo…

Did the New York Times just accidentally tell the truth about the Obama administration?
A startling piece pulls back the curtain on how our foreign policy is created — and sold to willing media dupes Historians so inclined will have a blast when their turn comes to dissect the Obama administration and its people….

The real story about Syria and Libya: Behind a new agreement with Moscow, and the insidious way the New York Times protects Hillary
A new accord with Moscow on Syria clears up little. And a new Times series on Clinton and Libya has a messy agenda Hardly does the Syria accord announced jointly in Washington and Moscow last week clarify the swamp of…

This is how we spooked Putin: What the New York Times won’t tell you about the American adventure in Ukraine
The failure of Washington’s most adventurous power assertion in post-Cold War period can no longer be papered over All of a sudden, straight out of nowhere, Ukraine creeps back into the news. There is renewed fighting in the rebellious eastern…

From bad to worse to delusional: The real story about Syria that the New York Times won’t tell you
The Times’ coverage of anything that challenges the mythology of American primacy just gets worse Forgetting, not paying attention and feeling as opposed to thinking are, of course, acts of patriotism in our great nation. Let us, then, do the…

They still want a new Cold War: What the New York Times won’t tell you about Syria, Putin and the new battle against ISIS
We despise the foreign leaders a compliant media villainizes. It’s worth looking for the real motivations It is perverse to find good in the tragic events that took place in Paris 10 days ago, but they did force Washington and…

Judy Miller’s ghost lingers: Putin, Syria and how the New York Times cheers on a new Cold War
The propagandists have turned on the fog machine. Let’s try and sort out myth vs. reality with Russia, Middle East We reach a moment in the four-year-old Syria crisis when it is vital for anyone who has not succumbed to…
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