This is how the CIA botched Iraq post-9/11: Bob Gates, careerist sycophancy, and the real history of the Deep State
A veteran CIA officer explains to Salon exactly where the agency has gone wrong for decades — and the consequences In a lengthy exchange with Ray McGovern, or when you listen to him speak, a lot comes at you. This…

We are f***ing sadists: We are not decent, and we are not a democracy
The torture report requires us to look in the mirror — and accurately assess the monster that we see “You’ll comment on the torture report?” a friend in London asked just after the Senate’s revelations came out last week. “No,…

Dick Cheney’s demented last laugh: Neoconservatives destroyed American exceptionalism, but made Obama collateral damage
This July 4, we know our foreign policy must change after the neocon’s Iraq disaster. Let’s take the right lessons Our national polls—run by the media, a few universities, and foundations such as Pew—seem to represent us better than our…

America’s imperial decline: Must Dick Cheney always be president?
Barack Obama talks like a constitutional lawyer, but acts like Dick Cheney. Snowden shows it’s the same old America Edward Snowden has been on the lam for nearly three weeks now. The 30-year-old computer whiz has gone from Hawaii to…
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