While Europe Girds for the Next Attack, Is the US in ISIS’s Crosshairs?
The terror attacks in Brussels last week fairly zapped the American political conversation. Among our presidential aspirants, it’s suddenly all about foreign policy and national security—a long overdue focus. We have two new truths confronting us now. One, the Islamic…

We brought this on ourselves, and we are the terrorists, too
There is no more ducking the point: It’s not terror only when it happens to us. Our “shock and awe” is terror, too Within an hour or two of the bombings in Brussels Monday, it was plain that there were…

Obama Faces Painful Choice in Syria as Peace Talks Falter
Following the ceasefire in Syria negotiated a month ago by Washington and Moscow, Secretary of State John Kerry must now work out a long-term settlement in Syria. Any agreement involves not only the Assad regime and the Russians — a…

It is urgent that she’s stopped: Hillary Clinton’s nightmare neoliberalism and American exceptionalism makes the world a dangerous place
American foreign policy has not worked for decades. Hillary believes all of its myths to her core. This is scary Much mail arrived after the column published in this space last Sunday, wherein I examined the likely character of a…

Draghi and the ECB Are Pumping Up Europe’s Economy—Will it Work?
Mario Draghi and the European Central Bank president’s announcement of new monetary measureslate last week is a shrewd contribution to the fight against sluggish growth and the now-chronic threat of deflation. The markets had figured for weeks that Mr. “Whatever…

As reckless as George W. Bush: Hillary Clinton helped create disorder in Iraq, Libya, Syria — and, scarier, doesn’t seem to understand how
American primacy at all cost. That’s her dangerous guiding mission. Only Bush, Nixon loved imperial adventure more As of the voting in various primaries last week and this week, Hillary Rodham Clinton has the surest way to the White House…

Here’s Why China’s Not the Global Economy’s Problem
China’s new annual economic report, which Premier Li Keqiang unveiled to the National People’s Congress over the weekend, recognizes the problems associated with China’s fundamental transformation—notably the danger of unmanageable debt spread through the system—but lands on the side of optimism….

Brexit=More Democracy for Europe?
The European Union was supposed to mean a continent of nations united by democratic ideals. Instead power and decision making has become more concentrated and centralized. First it was Greece, then Spain threatening to pull out of the EU, now…

The real story about Syria and Libya: Behind a new agreement with Moscow, and the insidious way the New York Times protects Hillary
A new accord with Moscow on Syria clears up little. And a new Times series on Clinton and Libya has a messy agenda Hardly does the Syria accord announced jointly in Washington and Moscow last week clarify the swamp of…
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