Jill Abramson’s sad admission: “I don’t think the press, in general, did publish any stories that upset the Bush White House”
Why did the New York Times back down again and again and hold important stories? The reasons are infuriating There are some singular features of our time — truly the time of the assassins, to take Henry Miller’s phrase. The…

Obama’s Road to Unintended Consequences in Ukraine
Is the ever-tougher economic squeeze of Russia for its not-quite-clear role in the Ukraine crisis a 21st century rerun of the Treaty of Versailles, the recklessly punitive settlement that turned out to be the mulch of the global conflagration that defined…

Propaganda ministers, all of them: Our pathetic, spoon-fed media pushes half-truths, again
You can’t separate MH-17 debate from Ukraine debate. Washington wants to, and a compliant media helps — as always I would like to meet Anastasia Lukina. No, not because of the elegant name. I have two better reasons. Lukina is…

Let Europe Do the Heavy Political Lift with Putin
“It’d be unwise to say, well, the Russians did it, or the Ukrainian government did it, or the rebels did it.” That is none other than Ron Paul, the former presidential candidate from Texas, talking to Newsmax TV Friday, hours…

The truth about the immigration “crisis”: Our drug policies and U.S.-backed tyrants created Central America’s culture of violence
If you want to really understand what’s happening at the border, revisit the violence we visited upon the region Some years ago, I flew in from Asia to interview some State Department people and stayed with my dear friend Judith…

How Obama Lost Friends in Europe and Influence Globally
Bad comes to worse in the Obama administration’s ties with Europe. Obama’s trans-Atlantic crisis is less dramatic than his other foreign policy failures: Syria, Egypt, the Mideast, China. But the implications of this debacle could prove profoundly significant—politically and diplomatically,…

Hypocrisy, incompetence and cold inhumanity: Ukraine heads for its most gruesome hour
Brace yourself: Ukraine’s civil war is about to turn even worse. Time to examine our policies that brought us here We had better brace ourselves. The civil war in Ukraine appears headed for its most gruesome hour. Those in the…

Japan and China Vie for 21st Century Dominance
A specter haunts the great powers of East Asia. It is the specter of ethnic chauvinism and a recrudescent nationalism one would have thought a thing of the past. With this comes the possibility of irrational conflict, and for the…

Dick Cheney’s demented last laugh: Neoconservatives destroyed American exceptionalism, but made Obama collateral damage
This July 4, we know our foreign policy must change after the neocon’s Iraq disaster. Let’s take the right lessons Our national polls—run by the media, a few universities, and foundations such as Pew—seem to represent us better than our…

Bomb-crazy, “do something” neocons must be stopped — or Iraq will be Obama’s Vietnam
We have done enough harm. We’re not able to do good. We must simply admit the enormity of our mistake — and change It is too soon to quote Reagan, much as one always longs to do so, and exclaim,…
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