EU Budget Brawl Follows Its Failed Summit
Europe will get its multi-year budget passed–and that’s a “shave my moustache” prediction—in spite of the fact that the European Union failed to reach a budget agreement at a summit in Brussels last week. We do not know the timetable…
Reform on the Back Burner with New Chinese Regime
China has just decided to hold onto an economic, political, and social model that has a proven record of producing high economic growth – a model that never fails to tip over. I have witnessed the collapse of this kind…
3 Foreign Hotspots that Will Test Obama’s Mettle
The “four more years” now stretching out in front of our forty-fourth president will be dense with challenges overseas, and meeting them will be essential if America is to regain a competitiveness already slipping. It would be hard to list…
As Asian Economies Grow, American Influence Shrinks
INCHEON, South Korea—Whoever wins the presidential election this week will have to acknowledge that the Asia we forgot about when we started our wars in Afghanistan and Iraq a decade ago is no longer there. The Asia we now purport…
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