Can Obama’s Successor Sort Out His Middle East Mess?
Whoever goes to the White House in November will have one foreign policy challenge above all others: How to navigate transitions between two of America’s Middle East alliances that daily events are rendering inevitable. On one side of this question…
The Mideast Mess Obama Will Leave Behind
What a dismal week in the Middle East for the Obama administration. In the course of a couple of days, the partial ceasefire in Syria began to fray, the peace talks in Geneva turned stony, and the Saudis pointedly cold-shouldered…
As reckless as George W. Bush: Hillary Clinton helped create disorder in Iraq, Libya, Syria — and, scarier, doesn’t seem to understand how
American primacy at all cost. That’s her dangerous guiding mission. Only Bush, Nixon loved imperial adventure more As of the voting in various primaries last week and this week, Hillary Rodham Clinton has the surest way to the White House…
He’s made the Middle East worse: Let’s be honest, Obama bears as much responsibility for this mess as predecessors who shaped them
Decades of poorly concocted policies with Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and others haunt us — and worsen every day It is all there now for us to see. Decades of cynical, poorly devised policy in the Middle East, vacant of…
It’s Paul Krugman vs. Noam Chomsky: This is the history we need to understand Paris, ISIS
Krugman mocks idea that US imperialism’s at root of all evil. But scars of our meddling are key to the Middle East Two remarks a few days apart lead straight to the question posed in this space after last Friday’s tragic events…
We brought this on ourselves: After Paris, it is time to square our “values” with our history
The West’s behaved horrifically in Middle East for decades. We can’t be surprised by Paris. Let’s look in a mirror Another horrific attack emanates from the shattered, shredded Middle East into the beating hearts of Western civilization. It is impossible…
Putin might be right on Syria: The actual strategy behind his Middle East push — and why the New York Times keeps obscuring it
There’s actually common sense and historical vision behind the Putin plan. Not that our media covers it honestly One sentence in a news report the other day on Russia’s assertive new campaign to subdue Islamic extremists in Syria simply will…
Why Europe’s Migrant Crisis Also Belongs to America
Now that the flood of migrants into Europe has reached truly historic proportions, it’s time to acknowledge this as a moment of transformation—and not only in Europe. We’ve all seen the images, watched the television footage, and read the news…
Our monumental Turkey blunder: Who put the American exceptionalists back in charge?
Take a hard, careful look at what the hawks in the Obama administration—and it is crawling with them—have just done by bringing Turkey into the fight against the Islamic State. Given the blur the campaign against ISIS has become, with…
Obama’s Middle East Mess and How to Clean It Up
“I think what we’re seeing is a rerun of the Iran/Iraq war” Kerry said, “We have to negotiate with Assad.” Yes that Assad. The U.S. Backs Sunnis, no Shiites, no Saudis, no Iranians…Huh? This has to be a singular moment…
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