Corporate media’s Turkey spin: “Attempted coup” bears the marks of an authoritarian power grab orchestrated by Erdoğan
Last week’s events in Turkey leave astute observers with more questions than answers Recip Tayyip Erdoğan has to be the most exotic political figure to come down the pike in who can say how long. “Tinpot” is too good a…

The West escalates with Russia: Make no mistake, a second Cold War is now official NATO policy
NATO’s aggressive posture towards Russia sets a dangerous course for Obama’s successor There have been 22 NATO summits since the first convened in Paris 59 years ago. If you study the chronology, they are more frequent during those times the…

Disarray in NATO Completes Obama’s Foreign Policy Legacy
As of Friday, when NATO concluded its most important gathering since the Cold War ended, the North Atlantic alliance has a full menu of new tasks. So does Barack Obama’s successor. With the Warsaw summit, Obama’s foreign policy legacy is…

The two Obamas: An assessment of our capable, but captive president
Obama’s obscuring of the truth about his drone program tarnishes otherwise strong legacy on human rights Not long ago I had the president of our great country down as a conundrum or an enigma or a Hamlet or a hypocrite—or…

How the Brexit Killed Britain’s ‘Pay as You Go’ Policy
There go George Osborne’s dreams. Whatever the other consequences of the June 23 Brexit vote may prove to be, Britain’s ever-embattled chancellor of the exchequer just lost his long war for deep spending cuts, reduced social services, and annual surpluses…

Don’t blame Brits for the Brexit: The EU strayed from its roots in post-war unity to become a neoliberal technocracy
There is no understanding the Brexit vote without understanding the ideals and purpose the EU discarded Countless thoughts tumble forward as news of Britain’s vote to leave the European Union sinks in. Among the larger of these is one that…

After the Brexit, Breaking Up Is Hard to Do
Britain’s stunning decision to leave the European Union marks Europe’s rude awakening from its long dream of perfect unity. That is decisively over now, and a cold dawn awaits. The EU flag will have one less star in its circle…

The Syria dilemma: Dissecting the leaked diplomats memo calling for Obama to get tougher on Assad
Something smells fishy when a hawkish State Dept. memo “leaks” to the Times on the eve of Sec. Clinton’s nomination It has been clear for some time that the Syria conflict was bound to turn into some magnitude of Waterloo…

3 Ways Cameron Can Unify Britain If Voters Reject Brexit
When polls close tonight on the national referendum on European Union membership, Britons will choose to remain in the EU or they will choose a “Brexit.” But this vote will stand as a huge defeat for Europe either way. In…

Britain’s Likely to Remain in the EU — but Then What?
Britain’s June 23 referendum on its European Union membership is wracking the world’s nerves now. And no wonder: As every world leader to weigh in on the question asserts, the negative consequences of a British exit—political, diplomatic, financial, economic, and…
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