“The long fight simply to know.”

“The long fight simply to know.”

An exchange with Peter Kaufman It is not often a writer comes along who brings the ballast of history to our contemporary predicaments. This requires a certain intellectual depth and a lot of shoulder in contact with the wheel. Peter…

“The divine right of nations.”

“The divine right of nations.”

Reflections on the Fourth. On cue Saturday afternoon, the martial music began on the classical station that has provided this household’s sound track for many years. It can’t be helped. There is no getting away from this sort of thing…

“Crimean fantasies: A webcast.”

“Crimean fantasies: A webcast.”

Nobody’s reasoning why, per usual. “Foolish,” “provocative,” “reckless,” “hubristic”: Most of these terms are James Carden’s as we discussed, in this weekend exchange, the H.M.S. Defender’s purposeful intrusion into Russian waters off Crimea last week. And those terms not James’s are mine. …

“Something happened in Geneva.”

“Something happened in Geneva.”

Second thoughts on the summit. That grand encounter of Presidents Biden and Putin in Geneva way, way back last week proves by many measures a nonevent. Correspondents assigned to cover the summit had to chicken-scratch for something to write as…

“The Rrrrussians come again.”

“The Rrrrussians come again.”

Pre-summit nonsense. Joe Biden has just announced that he will convene with Vladimir Putin for the two leaders’ first summit, to be held 16 June in Geneva. It is not too difficult to put forward a forecast as to how…