“Thanksgiving thoughts.”
Grounds for gratitude. Rummaging around for something to be thankful for this apparently thankless season seems to be the favored flavor this Thanksgiving. The New York Times recruited the safely tame poets laureate of these United States to make some suggestions and…

“The return of the blob.”
No hope. No change. Just Biden’s favorite Blobsters. On Monday, President-elect Biden unveiled his national security team. The results may have come as a surprise to progressives who lied to themselves (and their readers) over much of the past year in…

“What’ll Biden do about Russia?”
It’s possible he’ll restore us to sanity. But unlikely. Although we are still roughly two months away from the inauguration of the 46th president of the United States, it is possible to paint an informed though necessarily incomplete picture of…

“Pfizer’s phony rhetoric.”
The free market? Let us count the public money behind its vaccine. So much for the idea that governments shouldn’t be in the business of picking winners and losers. We are now on the threshold of achieving the first effective vaccine…

As Americans were dancing in the streets with the ousting of Trump, so the people of Bolivia celebrated the return of Evo Morales, first indigenous president after a coup forced him to flee. The new president is Luis Arce, former…

“Fables of the #Resistance.”
What a mess these ‘progressive’ poseurs leave us with. The Democrats’ 2016 debacle should have been a wakeup call. Outspent by his Democratic opponent by a factor of 2 to 1, a manic former game- show host with a losing…

“The precarity election.”
Democrats ignored the working class once again. Given Joe Biden’s pitifully narrow margin of victory last week, the 2020 election hardly represented the vaunted “blue wave” predicted by many pollsters. Give or take a shift of 100,000 votes or so in…

“Our eternal present.”
America has stopped becoming. “Four more years” used to be the way campaigning incumbents decorated bumper stickers. It was Nixon’s promise (or threat) as he sought a second term in 1972, if I am not mistaken. Now the election of…

PATRICK LAWRENCE: Talk of Another Pink Tide
Expect an orgy of U.S. subterfuge. If there’s one thing Washington cannot abide more than a working social democracy, it’s a working social democracy in Latin America. The election of Luis Arce in Bolivia last month has been much celebrated in circles…
PATRICK LAWRENCE: Hillary Clinton at the UN?
Whether or not Biden appoints her, things are getting very brazen and very bitter, very fast. We are now told that President-elect Joe Biden may name none other than Hillary Clinton to be his ambassador to the United Nations. This…