A New Leader Could Lift Greece—and Europe—Out of Crisis
Monday’s parliamentary vote could signal an end to austerity The social-democrats want to solve the humanitarian crisis first Then stimulate the economy and bring jobs back to Greece It’s all eyes on Athens this week. There have been many significant…

Fallout from Obama’s Russia Strategy Is Spreading through Europe
The Obama administration’s sanctions against Russia, reluctantly supported by the Europeans, bite more deeply every day. But it is also clearer with each daily news report that Russians are not going to suffer alone. Russia’s immediate neighbors and the Europeans…

Paging Keri Russell: Russia, Cuba and the truth about Putin the U.S. media doesn’t want you to know
We are making mayhem in Russia, and reality is almost the opposite of what is being described in the press I cannot be the only one to note the remarkable sequence of events in the Obama White House last week….

We are f***ing sadists: We are not decent, and we are not a democracy
The torture report requires us to look in the mirror — and accurately assess the monster that we see “You’ll comment on the torture report?” a friend in London asked just after the Senate’s revelations came out last week. “No,…

Ukraine Starts Its March to Free-Market Capitalism
Ukraine watchers, to say nothing of Ukrainians, had better fasten their seatbelts. The passage of a former Soviet republic to free-market capitalism is about to begin. None of the players involved in this transition — the Poroshenko government in Kiev,…

These are lies the New York Times wants you to believe about Russia
Our sanctions caused Russia’s downturn. They protect Big Oil, the well-connected, and make the world more dangerous You can look at the Russian economy two ways now and you should. So let’s: It is an important moment in the destruction…

The Decay of American Media
Toward a Poor Journalism One evening a half-dozen years ago, I stayed at the house of Albert Maysles, the noted documentary filmmaker, in upper Manhattan. I had just flown in from Hong Kong, where I was living at the time….

Why the Hell Does Mario Draghi Want to Leave the ECB Now!?
What would happen to Europe’s prospects for recovery if Mario Draghi left his job as president of the European Central Bank? Would Draghi’s plans to implement an ambitious policy of monetary stimulus get bulldozed by German inflation hawks and others…

New York Times propagandists exposed: Finally, the truth about Ukraine and Putin emerges
NATO was the aggressor and got Ukraine wrong. Many months later, the media has eventually Well, well, well. Gloating is unseemly, especially in public, but give me this one, will you? It has been a long and lonely winter defending the…

As Deflation Looms, It’s Europe’s Moment of Truth
Europe is in trouble… Again. This time, Europe is on the brink of disastrous trouble. This, unfortunately, seems to be news not yet delivered to many European Union technocrats—in particular, many Germans. It starts to look reckless for policy makers…
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