Why Kerry’s Iran Deal Will Hold Up
Secretary of State Kerry pulled off a hat trick in Sunday’s pre-dawn hours, when six world powers and Iran announced an interim deal in Geneva on the latter’s nuclear program. Kerry was all over the Sunday morning talk shows, soft-pedaling…

Reform the New York Times! Media must stop protecting companies tied to Chinese corruption
U.S. corporations are complicit in Chinese corruption. Why are our newspapers so afraid to report the truth Once upon a time, people on this side of the Pacific were encouraged to assume that China’s post-Mao economic reforms would make the…

How Secret How Secret Global Trade Talks Can Destroy the InternetGlobal Trade Talks Can Destroy the Internet
Talks on the two biggest trade agreements in history are reaching critical stages, and none of us knows anything about them. Like it or not, this is ignorance by design: Months of negotiations across both oceans have proceeded in secret,…

Chomsky’s right: The New York Times’ latest big lie
More misleading half-truths from a paper too cowed by power and myth to tell the truth about U.S. foreign policy Never before have I written a column concerning nothing more than a pair of quotation marks. Then again, never until…

Why a Deal with Iran on Nukes Remains Elusive
It was a wild ride last week in Geneva, where the foreign ministers of six world powers assembled with Iranian negotiators for a second round of talks on the Islamic republic’s nuclear program. A deal could come, a deal is…

Middling logic, middling newspaper: New York Times bows to government, again, on NSA
By withholding details of Edward Snowden documents, the paper of record shows it cares more about power than news Ever since Edward Snowden made his daring leap into the kingdom of his own conscience last spring, I have tried and…

The Dark Cloud over Europe’s Nascent Recovery
Europe seems to be right on time—for once. The comforting consensus a year ago was that the crisis gripping the European Union since 2009 would begin to fade in the third quarter of this year. And here we are: •…

I want American foreign policy to fail
Drones, wiretapping foreign leaders, NSA out of control: Change will only come when our foreign policy truly fails It is difficult, and it will never be any other, to be an American and write in an American publication that the…
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