Yellowcake all over again: Don’t believe the Syrian interventionists
Possible chemical weapons attack has the usual hawks urging intervention in Syria. Their intel could be wrong again
What we know about what just happened in Syria: Someone seems to have sent chemically toxic substances into several suburbs of Damascus this week, though we have to stay with “seems” at the moment, for not even this is yet certain.
What we do not know about what just happened in Syria: everything else.
I exaggerate slightly, for there is one other thing we know. Whoever launched lethal rockets into rebel-held areas around the Syrian capital, safely assuming someone did, was either stupid or very stupid.
It is essential to consider this moment with the utmost care, setting aside all prejudice and bias, all cartoon imagery, all pseudo-righteousness, all presumptions. And all perverse desires, one should add, as many people will be pleased if it is found that the regime of President Bashar al–Assad did the dastardly deed.
“It’s obvious from the pictures when you see the dead bodies of children and women and others stacked up,” said Sen. John McCain, who hungers for American intervention against Assad. This is what I mean. Nothing is obvious. Reckless people in high office have a long history of this kind of misrepresentation. It is well to recall it.
Last Sunday, a team of 20 United Nations inspectors arrived in Syria to examine three sites where the use of chemical weapons has been alleged. The eastern suburbs of the capital are not on that list, but on Thursday the Assad government, by way of its principal supporters in Russia, promised “objective investigation of all possible cases of use of chemical weapons on Syrian territory.” This promise must come good, not least because Moscow is now on the line as well as Damascus.
Fair enough to suspect Assad’s army, which has spent two years fighting a sectarian insurgency — yes, that is what it is. Assad has so far failed to counter the revolt decisively, and the stalemate has made for an unusually ugly war. Assad has been accused of deploying chemical weapons before, and while the evidence has been flimsy in each case, the allegations lie somewhere between possible and probable.
Then there are the various rebel factions. They have assiduously sought the support of sympathetic Western powers, hoping for more than the medical supplies they now receive. They want arms, artillery, training, air support and, in the best of outcomes, troops. They know that the U.S. and some of its European allies want to tip the military balance in their favor so as to force Assad to the conference table. And they know that evidence that Assad is using chemical weapons is a tripwire — the “red line,” as President Obama called it late last year, the point at which some form of intervention must be considered.
The responsible things to do now are to see if the U.N. inspectors are permitted to do their work and then listen to their assessment. The most irresponsible things to do now are to listen to Damascus, listen to the rebels, or listen to intervention-mongers such as Sen. McCain. None has a claim to disinterest, none a claim on our confidence.
This is not to say that this week’s events do not reek of an effort to manipulate world opinion by way of a media-ready display of human horror it is almost too cynical to contemplate. But contemplate it we must.
Assad’s people may have perpetrated the shelling of towns near the capital as their residents slept in the early hours of Wednesday. But this would make him very stupid, given there is a team of weapons inspectors camped in Damascus hotels as we speak. It is hard to tell whether or not Assad is stupid, and if so how stupid, but it is equally hard to accept he could be so stupid as to order these events when and where they occurred.