How Secret How Secret Global Trade Talks Can Destroy the InternetGlobal Trade Talks Can Destroy the Internet
Talks on the two biggest trade agreements in history are reaching critical stages, and none of us knows anything about them. Like it or not, this is ignorance by design: Months of negotiations across both oceans have proceeded in secret,…
Stealing America: China’s Busy Cyber-Spies
Economic and industrial spying by China appears to be more pervasive and egregious than ever, costing America billions of dollars each year, according to a new report by a U.S. government agency. And the report raises an important question: If…
Behind Apple’s iPollution Problem in China
You could hardly ask for a company with a cleaner image and more conscientious corporate culture than Apple. But now the maker of the iPhone, iPad, and all the other “i’s” seems to be in hot water over pollution allegedly…
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