PATRICK LAWRENCE: America the Innocent
The American press has been in the business of keeping readers ignorant since the Cold War—its most essential responsibility turned upside-down—and in our time it gets worse, not better. Vladimir Putin’s annual state-of-the-nation speech, delivered before the Federal Assembly in Moscow…

PATRICK LAWRENCE: Now the Interim of US Self-Deception Over Bolivia
To read the mainstream press on what just happened to Evo Morales is to enter a hall of mirrors. Years from now, maybe a generation from now, it will be permissible to describe Evo Morales’s resignation-at-gunpoint two weeks ago as…

The truth about the immigration “crisis”: Our drug policies and U.S.-backed tyrants created Central America’s culture of violence
If you want to really understand what’s happening at the border, revisit the violence we visited upon the region Some years ago, I flew in from Asia to interview some State Department people and stayed with my dear friend Judith…

Memory without history: Who owns Guatemala’s past?
In the light and not in the light, in the darkness and not in the darkness, … motionless and in movement —Miguel Angel Asturias, Men of Maize’ On the edge of the Plaza Mayor, Guatemala City’s vast central square, a small…
PATRICK LAWRENCE: American-Century Flight
“American history is the history of the counterrevolution” — a discussion with author Joel Whitney about his latest book, Flights: Radicals on the Run. I have long nursed a keen interest in the Cold War’s corruptions on the cultural side — who…