Trump Begins to Feel His Way Toward a Post-American World
Whether or not by design, Trump seems to recognize that Xi’s dynamically emergent China has to be accommodated, not resisted. My articles here harp just short of ad infinitum on America’s changing place in a changing world. No apology. Our…

Trump in Beijing—Devoid of a Strategy, While Xi Deploys China’s
Next to Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative, and its alliance with Moscow, Washington’s preference for perpetual conflict looks pitifully bankrupt. A tour of the Forbidden City, dinner in the Great Hall of the People, a review of the People’s Liberation…

Trump Goes to Asia—but the Pentagon Gets There First
Mattis confirms policy with Manila, Tokyo, and Seoul before the president’s first trip across the Pacific. At the end of this week our president is to set off on an 11–day sweep through Asia—five nations plus two regional forums, one…

Putting the Squeeze on China Could Turn Into a Trade Disaster for Trump
Pushing China to Override Kim Jong Un Is a Non-Starter Get set for the Trump administration’s big new push on China. The White House wants to turn tough on trade problems while putting more pressure on Beijing to force North Korea…

Trump’s in a Corner With China. Here’s How He Can Get Out
President Trump has a China problem: He doesn’t know how to manage the single most important relationship the U.S. has. While Trump still boasts of his good personal relations with Chinese President Xi Jinping, he still does not have a…

A Trillion Dollar Plan to Rebuild the World Makes China the New Global Leader
While most of the world wonders nervously what’s next from the Trump White House, the confident China President Xi Jinping is shifting his bid for global leadership into a full-court press. Xi’s hugely ambitious leadership program includes joining Asia to…

Are China’s Hidden Liabilities Behind Moody’s Ratings Downgrade?
Concerns about China’s “massive debt burden” and slowing economy are causing new concerns after Moody’s Investor Services sounded a full-blown alarm this week downgrading China’s credit rating on sovereign debt from Aa3 to A1. Why would Moody’s cut China’s rating…

How China Is Building the Post-Western World
Beijing’s Belt and Road project may be the largest single infrastructure program in human history. Not infrequently, I bang on in this space and elsewhere about “parity between West and non-West.” I consider achieving this the single most pressing necessity…

From Xi to Duterte: Why Trump Holds His Enemies Closer
President Trump is suddenly talking to a lot of the world’s “strongmen”—two in the past week—and proposing to talk to others. Should he be? In most cases, the answer is an emphatic “Yes,” and this seems to be Trump’s thinking,…

How Our Foreign-Policy Elites Manufactured the Korea Crisis
The attack on the Syrian airfield was a message to North Korea and China—and a demonstration of Trump’s capitulation to the imperial clique. The crisis over North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic-missile programs now builds to a perilous pitch with no…
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