Patrick Lawrence’s online journal.

Journal Entry #33

Journal Entry #33

Two Unserious Ladies. NORFOLK, CONN., MAY 20—I have been thinking off and on lately about Gina Haspel. It is difficult to keep this odious person from one’s mind, much as one would like to: A known torturer (and unprosecuted felon…

Journal Entry #32

Clear and Present Danger. NORFOLK, CONN., MAY 2—I am not alone in lauding the historic summit last week in Korea and seeing in the Kim–Moon encounter at the 38th parallel a genuine chance to achieve a durable peace in Northeast…

Journal Entry #31

Memory Without History. NORFOLK, CONN., APRIL 19—When I wrote a column about the Syria bombing a few days ago—filed midday Saturday, published Sunday morning—I argued for the imperative of doubt. It is our responsibility to question—to hold official accounts up…

Journal Entry #30

Long ago in another place, and now. NORFOLK, CONN., JANUARY 19— The address of the Foreign Correspondents’ Club in Hongkong is No. 1, Lower Albert Road. It actually sits at the top of Ice House Street, and the building was,…

Journal Entry #29

Non, je ne regrette rien. GREENVILLE, S. CAROLINA, DECEMBER 28— It is important to view difficult years for what they are, I’m moved to note as this one passes into the past. The hardships and setbacks are often mixed with…

Journal Entry #28

Discernment NORFOLK, CONN., NOVEMBER 26— I spent a very agreeable evening Friday, day after Thanksgiving, at a friend’s house in Hartford—he a professor of Iberian studies at Trinity College. A few hours before arriving, I had filed a column now…

Journal Entry #27

A forest of manipulated images. NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 13— In my last Cú Chulainn entry, I began to set down a few remarks about the compromise of the Democratic National Committee’s mail systems in mid–2016. These were my first comments…

Journal Entry #26

NEW YORK, October 31—A reader (and a new and generous supporter) wrote just yesterday to raise a matter that comes regularly to mind these past few months. “I would very much appreciate an update regarding your current thinking about the…

Journal Entry #25

NORFOLK, CONN., October 22—This is a Journal entry with a special purpose. As I publish it I am taking a new turn, and it seems to me right to explain to readers—of this Journal, of my columns—what I mean and…