“The great realignment II.”
Populism and its enemies. This is the second of our two-part series on the ongoing American political realignment. In Part I we explored the historic backdrop of these momentous shifts. Here we consider alternatives to the neoliberal/fusionist consensus that has…

“The Biden blackout.”
“Soft despotism” is upon us. This article first appeared on The Scrum. DECEMBER 17—Those who followed events in 2016 with sufficient acuity will have registered events it is now well to recall. In the infra dig response of liberals to…

“Politics, tragedy, sovereignty.”
The meaning of today’s Russia. The Simone Weil Center for Political Philosophy recently hosted a panel discussion on U.S.–Russia relations and Russia’s place in the world. The full video of this exchange, recorded December 2nd, is here: The discussion was moderated…

“The Great Realignment.”
Shifts in political allegiance. As Democrats continue their transformation into the party of the 1 percent, Republicans appear poised to become the party of the working class. This profound shift in American politics, historic in proportion and significance, will have…

PATRICK LAWRENCE: The Assassins & Iran
Any thought of Biden and his people riding into town on white horses to save the nuclear deal is strictly naïve. I was on the telephone with a friend in Tehran Sunday and found myself telling him about a Christmas card…

“Thanksgiving thoughts.”
Grounds for gratitude. Rummaging around for something to be thankful for this apparently thankless season seems to be the favored flavor this Thanksgiving. The New York Times recruited the safely tame poets laureate of these United States to make some suggestions and…

“The return of the blob.”
No hope. No change. Just Biden’s favorite Blobsters. On Monday, President-elect Biden unveiled his national security team. The results may have come as a surprise to progressives who lied to themselves (and their readers) over much of the past year in…

“What’ll Biden do about Russia?”
It’s possible he’ll restore us to sanity. But unlikely. Although we are still roughly two months away from the inauguration of the 46th president of the United States, it is possible to paint an informed though necessarily incomplete picture of…
PATRICK LAWRENCE: Empire with a Human Face
The Biden people are unlikely to speak of a new cold war with China, but they appear likely to wage one all dressed up as a sophisticated trans–Pacific strategy. Those boneheaded Trump people explained their hostile, xenophobic, fated-to-fail policy toward…