"'A test for Biden.'"

“‘A test for Biden.'”

Adam Weinstein on Afghanistan: A webcast.

It was a pleasure the other day to welcome Adam Weinstein to The Scrum’s pages by way of a webcast. Weinstein is a research fellow at the Quincy Institute, the most intellectually innovative think tank now active in Washington, and Q.I. had just published his “Beyond May 1: The future of U.S. engagement in Afghanistan.” It is, for my money, the best case yet made for getting out of this “forever war,” even as what the Biden administration will do with the others remains in question.

Weinstein is an ex-Marine with a tour in Afghanistan on his record—experience that deepened considerably his insights. We spoke via Zoom, he from his office in New York, I from my perch in rural Connecticut. Transparency: I was among the editors of Weinstein’s essay.

        —P. L.