![It is urgent that she’s stopped: Hillary Clinton’s nightmare neoliberalism and American exceptionalism makes the world a dangerous place](http://patricklawrence.us/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/16_0321-putin_hillary-620x412-620x310.jpg)
It is urgent that she’s stopped: Hillary Clinton’s nightmare neoliberalism and American exceptionalism makes the world a dangerous place
American foreign policy has not worked for decades. Hillary believes all of its myths to her core. This is scary
Much mail arrived after the column published in this space last Sunday, wherein I examined the likely character of a Clinton II foreign policy—dangerous to Americans and all others—and the flaccid logic common among those planning to vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton come November. All but one of the letters were from women. They all said, one way or another, “I can’t vote for her, but now what? Where does this leave me?”
A novelist friend of discerning, historically informed judgment telephoned. “O.K., but what is it you propose we think about when we think about American foreign policy?” he asked. “What makes Hillary Clinton dangerous? What should we want as an alternative, what work toward, what support?”
All good questions. I thank those who took the trouble to pose them. And having made the case that Clinton’s record on the foreign side renders her undeserving even of critical support or the support of those who judge her the least evil offered by what we pretend is our political process, I owe these questions answers.
Where to begin?
This will do: “Great nations need organizing principles.” So Clinton asserted in her much-noted interview with Jeffrey Goldberg, published in the Atlantic a couple of years ago. Fine. What are Clinton’s thoughts on this matter?
She was quick on the draw in the exchange with Goldberg. After dismissing President Obama’s famous assertion— “‘Don’t do stupid stuff’ is not an organizing principle”—Clinton came forth with, “Peace, progress, and prosperity. This worked for a very long time.”
Already we find problems. They tell us what we need an alternative to.
One, Clinton’s three simple words are so apple-pie anodyne as to have no meaning. Goldberg should have pressed her on this, for she told him nothing. We are left to wonder what her principles are and then wonder why she declines to discuss them in any serious fashion.
Two, these terms have a totemic significance that must not be missed. At least since the Wilson presidency a century ago they have functioned as wrapping paper within which we find none other than American imperial ambition. So does Clinton take her place in modern American history. Nothing she proposes bears even a whiff of departure from the tradition.
Three, anyone who surveys the decades since Wilson, especially the post-1945 period, and finds peace, progress and prosperity to be an adequate descriptive of the century we named after ourselves must love wrapping paper and fear looking at the contents within it. In truth, American foreign policy has not worked for a very long time. The magnitude of its failures grows larger as we speak.
The compelling reality here—and it is pressing that Americans face it—is that we will get nowhere in restoring ourselves to an orderly world until we accept these failures. Nobody ever advances in any context without first taking a clear-eyed look at where one stands and how one got there. In other words, subsisting on silliness such as “peace, progress and prosperity” is a serious impediment to all three.
Four, we find in Clinton’s condescension toward Obama one more case of the flippant defensiveness that we must take great care to read at this point. In this case it tells us that foreign policy has always been the business of sequestered cliques and this is as it should be. In my estimation, Obama’s “Don’t do stupid stuff,” while recessive rather than assertive, is vastly better as an organizing principle. At the very least it is a sound start toward one, given the paradox before us: So much of what we must do in the cause of constructive policies abroad rests upon all that we must stop doing.
With this deconstruction of a casual observation, we can begin our list of what right-thinking people ought to seek in an alternative to our standing foreign policies. We want an organizing principle, certainly, but we want one that is humane, defensible and clearly stated. We want honest language, devoid of obfuscation and scout-troop platitudes. And we want a policy process that is subject to what remains of our political process. All of these would breach tradition, and that is precisely what we want above all.
The previous column singled out the exceptionalist consciousness we Americans share even when we think we have surmounted it. With this we can continue to answer the questions readers posed: What must we reject in Clinton and what do we want instead? To exceptionalism I will add a distinction Perry Anderson, the British writer interviewed for this column last summer, taught me to make: There is our exceptionalism and our universalism, and of the two the latter is the more pernicious.
The need is dire for leadership that can advance us beyond both of these beliefs—neither can be considered a thought—but let’s take these one at a time.
For most of us exceptionalism is more a habit of mind than an ideology, fair to say. And most of us have neither held high office nor sought the highest. Hillary is not most of us in either respect. Exceptionalism is her ideology as she seeks the presidency. One has no idea how or when this came to be—during her Goldwater Republican years, maybe—but she has made the point plain many, many times.
This is not an abstraction, for Clinton’s ideological exceptionalism is an organizing principle, it is a bad one and it comes with consequences. Chief among these I rank blindness and undesirable continuity. She is incapable of shifting perspective—of seeing the world and others as they see it and themselves. She cannot register anyone else’s aspirations unless they match ours. As to continuity, Clinton’s foreign policy thinking is bound tightly to the past: “This worked for a very long time.”
These are not ignorable, forgivable shortcomings. One of the essential responsibilities of our time—for everyone—is to exit ourselves sufficiently to enter “the Other” for the sake of understanding. We must allow ourselves to become “strangers to ourselves,” to borrow a phrase from Julia Kristeva, the French psychoanalyst. Another of our responsibilities—this one specific to Americans—is to find the courage to break with our past. Many of us are getting there on these scores. They are the keys to constructive American behavior in the 21st century, and we ought to be looking for leadership that registers this reality. Hillary Clinton does not.
As to universalism, this is the belief that our way of being—our “values,” if we have any left apart from money and the corporatization of everything—is best for everyone. Those who reject this notion—people who prefer their own traditions and values and rootedness in place and history—are impediments to our worldly mission. They cannot, as the history of our foreign policy tells us, be tolerated.
Exceptional America, universally right America: These two beliefs are bedrock to Hillary Clinton. From them flows all we must reject in Clinton’s foreign policy agenda as it has been and as it will be an HRC presidency—and by obvious extension, all we ought to seek in alternative leaders.
One caveat as I propose a list of the primary problems Clinton faces us with: When you have a liar as compulsive as Hillary Clinton, a political simulacrum whose inauthenticity seems to occupy the whole of her personality, you have to distinguish between what is said and what is done. The latter is what we go by, of course.
There is, first, the problem of American ambition and the corollary question of international law.
Since Truman unsheathed what was declared his doctrine before Congress 69 years ago this month, so starting the Cold War, global domination has been the principal goal of American strategists. This has passed through various iterations. The first we knew as containment, and it applied not only to the Soviets: Washington also sought to foreclose on any alternative pole of power that might originate among Continental Europeans, most notably the French. The evidence of this we still live with.
There is a straight line between containment and “pre-emptive war” as Bush II advanced the principle. By then the Project for a New American Century had published its 2000 report, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses,” wherein full-dress global hegemony—military and economic—come out the far end of the Truman Doctrine as explicitly stated objectives.
It is easy enough to see how this amounts to a commitment to operate outside of international law. Any newspaper archive or Web search will demonstrate this connection in a record of events as they turned out. In effect, we claim the position of the sovereign who is above the law because he is the source of law. This assumption so envelops us that we long ago lost any ability to distinguish between illegality and legality in the international context. At this point the question is a more or less complete blur.
The most obvious case in point is Washington’s long-established habit of fomenting coups in nations that, one way or another, resist our claim to universalist values. Of late the term “regime change” may obscure the reality for some or most of us, but the reality of American lawlessness changes not at all. In response to the American-cultivated coup in Ukraine two years ago, the Russians appear to have put Washington on notice that coups as an instrument of policy will no longer go unopposed (as the attempt in Syria has not). Parenthetically, we need to ask ourselves why it took the Russians to make a point we ought to have made long ago.