Peace in Korea is possible: Talks between Trump and Kim Jong-un will define the future
Foreign policy cliques in D.C. are eager to shut down this process: America’s choice is to join or risk isolation A few weeks ago, it was sensible to ask where the Trump administration intended to take the diplomatic process on…

Will John Bolton ruin the chances for peace on the Korean peninsula?
South Korea’s president has created a major opening for peace with the North — if America will give it a chance Korea now gets more kinetic by the day and deserves the close attention of anyone curious to know what…

Behind this week’s Russia headlines: A mystery, a leap to conclusions and a fateful turn
Did the Russians try to murder a former spy? Maybe. But that has little to do with the larger Russophobe narrative What a week for the Russophobes. The British government pins an unsolved murder attempt on Moscow, and the French,…

Trump’s summit with Kim could be a breakthrough — if the generals allow it to happen
Trump said yes to Kim Jong Un — and threw the foreign policy elite into turmoil. It might be his only good idea Is Washington caught once again with its trou down around its ankles? So it would seem. This…

American global “leadership”: Under Trump, now less than ever
On North Korea, Iran and Israel, the U.S. claims leadership. In fact, Trump is presiding over an inevitable decline I think about “U.S. leadership” a lot these days. Well, I have considered this topic more or less daily since the…

Trump and Haley’s “America First”: Same old policy, made worse
Trump’s National Security Strategy outlines familiar policies (and some new ones), all doomed to end in failure It was the worst of times, it was the worst of times for American foreign policy last week: President Trump landed a twofer…

Trump’s Jerusalem fumble: If the U.S. is out as a Mideast broker, who’s in?
If the White House hoped to coerce Palestinians (and the world) into a peace settlement, it faces a rude awakening Considering President Trump’s sales pitch when he recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital — “nothing more or less than a recognition…

Trump and Jerusalem: Will his “hard power” realism backfire bigly?
Like much of Trump’s foreign policy, the Jerusalem decision recognizes ugly facts about the U.S. role in the world Clarity is preferable to ambiguity even when the clear picture is grim. So I have found in many circumstances, and so…

Trump Begins to Feel His Way Toward a Post-American World
Whether or not by design, Trump seems to recognize that Xi’s dynamically emergent China has to be accommodated, not resisted. My articles here harp just short of ad infinitum on America’s changing place in a changing world. No apology. Our…

Trump’s foreign policy is confused — but it isn’t really Trump’s
Trump had one consequential moment during his Asia trip — and everyone in the rudderless American media missed it No sooner did Donald Trump return a week ago from his 12-day escapade in Asia than the bickering began. Did the…
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