Patrick Lawrence: ‘Who Do You Want to Win?’
A friend in England, a dweller in bucolic Somerset along with the Black Angus herds and the sheep, forwards a piece by a Times of London columnist that merits careful consideration. Matthew Syed, who has distinguished himself as a ping–pong…
Patrick Lawrence: Powerlessness
Let us begin with some facts of the cold, hard kind concerning conditions in Gaza and the West Bank after nearly a year of terrorist Israel’s daily assaults on the Palestinian populations in both places. These statistics derive from a…
Patrick Lawrence: The ‘War Party’ Makes Its Plans
The Biden White House and the Democratic Party machine trying to advance Kamala Harris from No. 2 in the regime to No. 1 gets more interesting by the week, I have to say. The Harris campaign has at last, two…
Patrick Lawrence: Gaza: Kamala Harris and the Disgrace of Denial
Outrage is a very fine thing. So is indignity. They are good for the circulation and keep one alert, I have always found. This is why I read The New York Times as diligently as I do. The once-but-no-longer newspaper…
Patrick Lawrence: Zelensky’s Misadventures in Kursk
It has been three weeks since ground units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine crossed into the Kursk province in southwestern Russia, surprising — or maybe not surprising — the U.S. and its clients in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization….
Patrick Lawrence: The Impotence of Antony Blinken
Antony Blinken is now in China for his second such journey as secretary of state and his third encounter with senior Chinese officials: This is our news as April marches toward May. I have to say, it is a stranger…
Patrick Lawrence: The Causes of Things
Casus belli Over a summer sup on the back lawn the other night, a Times-reading, MSNBC–watching, NPR–listening neighbor asked what I thought she should read to acquire what she is not getting from these media, an accurate understanding of what goes…
Patrick Lawrence: Will Biden Provoke War with China?
Host Robert Scheer speaks with veteran foreign correspondent Patrick Lawrence on his criticisms of provocative US and NATO policies — and his subsequent ban by Twitter. “We are the provocateurs” — offered as a condemnation of current US foreign policy…
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