Patrick Lawrence: The CIA in Ukraine — The NY Times Gets a Guided Tour
The New York Times recently ran a story called “The Spy War: How the C.I.A. Secretly Helps Ukraine Fight Putin.” Patrick Lawrence writes that these “secrets” only contained what the CIA “wanted and did not want disclosed,” and were “effectively…

Patrick Lawrence: The CIA in Ukraine — The NY Times Gets a Guided Tour
The New York Times recently ran a story called “The Spy War: How the C.I.A. Secretly Helps Ukraine Fight Putin.” Patrick Lawrence writes that these “secrets” only contained what the CIA “wanted and did not want disclosed,” and were “effectively…

Patrick Lawrence: Full-Dress Irrationality
Biden wastes an additional $105 billion. Whenever Joe Biden speaks, you have to make sure your bullshit detector is switched on, to borrow Hemingway’s pungent phrase. As is well-documented, our president has spent his public life making it up as…

Patrick Lawrence: The Undiscovered Country
We are responsible for our irresponsibility When I travel abroad, which is infrequently these days, I find myself more than occasionally expressing gratitude to those I meet. “We Americans are fortunate,” I explain, “in that others are usually able to…

Patrick Lawrence: Psychosis and Its Consequences
Remember that startling remark Karl Rove made while serving as an adviser to George W. Bush? It was October 2004, the so-called war on terror was going full tilt, and Rove was talking to the journalist Ron Suskind. Suskind was…

Patrick Lawrence: Unsweet Dreams
What a time for American statecraft. Antony Blinken was in Kiev last week to discuss Ukraine’s rampant corruption with President Volodymyr Zelensky, by various accounts the greediest grifter of them all. Kamala Harris attended a summit in Jakarta to show…

Patrick Lawrence: The Real Threat From China: They’re Better at Capitalism Than We Are
The Biden regime’s robotic procession to Beijing proceeds apace. Following Antony Blinken’s fruitless visit in mid–June, we have paid Janet Yellen’s airfare for another fruitless visit, and following Yellen it was the same for John Kerry. This week it is…

Patrick Lawrence: The Press and 2024
We now tip into the 2024 election season in some kind of official way, with the Republicans scheduled to hold their first primary debate Wednesday evening. Here is my question at this early moment: How are American readers and viewers…

Patrick Lawrence: Niger and the ‘New World Order
How shall we understand the July 26th coup in Niger, in which military officers ousted Mohamed Bazoum, the nation’s Western-tilted president? It is the sixth putsch of this kind in or next to the Sahel in the past four years. Shall…
PATRICK LAWRENCE: The Outsider Among Us
John Pilger, 1939–2023 In the spring of 1983, the late and greatly missed John Pilger began broadcasting a series of interviews called The Outsiders on British television. His subjects ranged widely. Costa–Gavras, Jessica Mitford, Seán MacBride, the Irish political figure and 1974 Nobelist, and Helen Suzman,…