Patrick Lawrence: When Correspondents Came Home
This is the first of a two-part series examining the collapse of foreign coverage in mainstream media. I have never gotten over a story The New York Times ran in its Sunday magazine back in May 2016. Maybe you will remember the occasion. It…

Patrick Lawrence: A Hall of Mirrors
I have long wondered whether our mainstream journalists, correspondents and commentators get dressed each morning in the same locker room, so similarly do they account for things. This has been especially so in the case of the Ukraine crisis, which…

Patrick Lawrence: So Far As I Can Make Out
Patrick Lawrence explores how the truth about Ukraine has turned into a recipe for anger and contempt from the Western media. So far as I can make out, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are losing their war against the Russian…

Patrick Lawrence: Language and Its Enemies
Media critic Patrick Lawrence lays out how the aftermath and potential consequences of Pelosi’s Taiwan visit are made obscure by certain media outlets. The provoking and the provoked I can hardly keep up with the various versions of nonsense coming…

Government Supervised Times, Wartime Reporting, and More
We talk to Patrick Lawrence about Ukraine by diving deeper into his recent articles written for ScheerPost.

Smoke and Mirrors
Zelensky’s purging of top officials as “traitors” ignored by Western media cheerleaders. Under Every Bed It has been quite a week for the regime in Kiev. On Sunday Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky suspended the head of his domestic intelligence service,…

Get over yourself, New York Times. You’re not standing up to anyone
Our media loves to pose as high-minded overseas. At home, they do the government’s bidding almost without fail They say fiction has had its day, given over to Brooklyn-dwellers with nothing to say. True and not. Our newspapers provide splendid…
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