Patrick Lawrence: Power for the Sake of Power
When I awoke Saturday morning, I found my thoughts wandering back a decade, when my siblings and I plotted to get our father’s car keys out of his frail, unsteady hands. Watching Joe Biden in a television interview will do…

Patrick Lawrence: 90 Minutes That Shook the Liberals Awake
Give me a sec to think. I need to make a list. Two. The genocide in Gaza, the Middle East tinderbox, Bezalel Smotrich, the lost proxy war in Ukraine, relations with Russia, the danger of nuclear war, the fate of…

Patrick Lawrence: ‘Falling Gently Away’: The G–7 in Italy
That Group of 7 gathering on the coast of the Adriatic June 13–15 was truly a doozy, I have to say. Readers might think it a waste of column inches to devote any linage to it, as many will surely…

Patrick Lawrence: The Price of Biden’s New China Tariffs
Ilove the photograph The New York Times ran atop Jim Tankersley’s May 18 story analyzing the inadvisable raft of tariffs on Chinese imports President Biden authorized four days earlier. There is the old coot signing the paperwork at a desk in the…

Patrick Lawrence: Late-Imperial Duplicities
As I was saying to Diocletian over Prosecco just last week, it is hard to run an empire these days. You have to lie to people more or less incessantly to keep the troops minding the perimeter in supplies. No…

Patrick Lawrence: Old Man Shouting, The American Empire is Doing Great! But It Isn’t
Democratic elites and the reporters who clerk for them were effusively approving of Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech last Thursday evening—not so much for what he said, which came nothing new, as for the demeanor of our enfeebled president. Never…

Patrick Lawrence: That New Hunter Biden Indictment
It’s a Limited Hangout. Before wading through the latest indictment of Hunter Biden, this one for nine counts of assorted tax violations, we must consider briefly the record of David Weiss, the special counsel who signed the 56–page document made…

Patrick Lawrence: Biden’s Frankenstein
The new wave of violence in Israel and Gaza now enters its second month. More than 10,000 people have been killed, The Associated Press reports, 40 percent of them children. Where is this catastrophe going? What are the limits of…

Patrick Lawrence: No, The Truth About Biden Is Not Democratic
Let us cast our minds back just briefly to the very fine afternoon of July 22, 2016. It was an especially bright Friday, as you may recall, because WikiLeaks released a lot of Democratic Party emails that day, so shining…
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