John Kerry’s last hurrah: With the Syrian cease-fire, the secretary of state takes a parting swipe at Russophobia
The cease-fire ends his successful skirmish with the Pentagon, but the war will grind on long after Kerry is gone
Secretary of State John Kerry now gives us another “cessation of hostilities” agreement — a not-quite-cease-fire — as signed with Sergei Lavrov, his Russian counterpart, in the wee hours of last Saturday in Geneva. It is intended to halt the violence in Syria for a solid week, during which aid and relief agencies are to have safe passage to besieged towns and cities. If that goes according to plan, the American and Russian militaries are to coordinate air campaigns against the Islamic State and — in the best possible outcome — Syrians will finally set out on the path to a political settlement.
We will see. This is all one can say at the moment.
It is Kerry’s second such deal with Lavrov, a highly capable diplomat with whom the secretary has a close and respectful working relationship. And it is the ninth attempt — but who’s counting? — to resolve the crisis since the Arab League took two shots at it in late 2011. None of these has come to anything.
There are plenty of reasons to question whether this latest undertaking will get any further than the others, and we will get to those. There are more and better reasons to support the Kerry-Lavrov agreement, whatever its chances of survival. Setting aside — without diminishing — its worth on humane grounds alone, this accord brings us to a significant moment in post-Cold War American foreign policy. We must not miss this.
It has been clear for some years that the policy cliques in Washington have been approaching a decisive limit. It is not merely that the Bush II framework — flouting international law, intervening at will, “pre-emptive” war, “regime change,” “nation-building” and so on — can be carried no further. There is a larger point. Bush II strategy and tactics were never more than a radical version of policies pioneered decades ago by Woodrow Wilson — neo-neo-Wilsonianism, we can call it. And it is the Wilsonian tradition altogether, grounded in American claims to exceptionalism and universalism, that gradually passes into history as we watch and speak.
One can hardly be more pleased. Given that Washington’s cliques display no capacity to self-correct, American foreign policy must fail and fail again before we have any chance of reshaping it into a constructive alternative. As I have said many times in this space, look for the optimism buried in the apparent pessimism.
Two events have brought this point squarely home since this column began three years and some ago.
One is Ukraine, where, by gross miscalculation, Washington cultivated a coup that has precipitated precisely the monumental mess that George Kennan, Henry Kissinger, Stephen F. Cohen and numerous others warned such unlawful tampering would. The other is Syria, where the U.S. has similarly sought to depose a leader and install a client. The lesson in both cases is simply stated: “Uh-uh, not here and not anymore.” That Russia has taught it in both cases is no small reason the policy cliques and their clerks in the press now cast President Putin as our new Beelzebub.
Now consider Kerry’s position in these matters. He gets no gold star on his forehead. But a silver is well-earned.
Prior to May 2015, Kerry by all appearances supported interventionist policies in Ukraine and Syria. What happened in May 2015?
In the middle of that month Kerry traveled to Sochi for several hours of talks with Lavrov and several more with Putin. Many eyebrows arched, if you recall. The topic was Ukraine, and from that moment Kerry has displayed a preference, albeit attenuated, for negotiation with Russia over confrontation.
Two months later, Kerry signed the Iran nuclear deal, the success of which owed much to Lavrov’s contribution. Three months after that he entered Syria talks in Vienna that brought the U.S., Russia, the European Union, China, and several Middle East nations — including Iran — to the same mahogany table. That was a prelude to Kerry’s first bilateral agreement with Lavrov, last February — and that the precursor of last Saturday’s.