"'The submissive void.'"

“‘The submissive void.'”

How propaganda works. We are pleased to welcome John Pilger, the distinguished journalist and filmmaker, into our pages once again. This article is a version of an address to the Trondheim World Festival, Norway. The writer edited his original. —P….

"Weaponry for sale."

“Weaponry for sale.”

Ukraine’s bottomless black market. A couple of postings back The Scrum published an exceptional piece of reportage from Donetsk City by Eva Karene Bartlett, a Canadian journalist who, extraordinarily enough in our time, does the work of a correspondent as it should be done….

“Latin America's turning tide.”

“Latin America’s turning tide.”

It is pink again. It is difficult to overstate the significance of last Sunday’s elections in Colombia, which will shortly send Gustavo Petro to the presidential palace. Petro proposes fundamentally to alter the direction of Latin America’s fourth-largest economy and…

"Bear-baiting as foreign policy."

“Bear-baiting as foreign policy.”

‘Exploiting Russia’s anxieties.’ In the time of the first Queen Elizabeth, British royal circles enjoyed watching fierce dogs torment a captive bear for the fun of it. The bear had done no harm to anyone, but the dogs were trained to…

“On independent media.”

“On independent media.”

A note to readers. “I am floored by the MSM black out of the Justice Dept findings that HRC paid ppl to spy on a sitting Prez. It’s close to an explicit admission that they are not news agencies at…

"'If you remember, you're alive.'"

“‘If you remember, you’re alive.'”

Oliver Stone on ‘JFK Revisited.’ There are many things to say about Oliver Stone’s just-released new film, JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass. One of them is that Stone’s new work demolishes, thoroughly and conclusively, the official version of what happened…

"A post-imperial language."

“A post-imperial language.”

Conversing with novelist Peter Dimock. Ray McGovern, who I count a dear friend and supporter, once observed in one of his speeches that it’s not enough to dwell on the incessant rains that fall upon us. The true task is…

"Courage beyond doubt."

“Courage beyond doubt.”

Pilger on Assange. The Scrum welcomes John Pilger, the noted journalist and filmmaker, to its pages with these personal reflections on Julian Assange during the years of his captivity. There is as much heart as mind in this piece, we find,…

"The 'sacred outcast.'"

“The ‘sacred outcast.'”

Assange behind glass. Part 3. The Scrum concludes publication of an extended essay on the Julian Assange case that first appeared in Raritan, the quarterly journal. Proceedings at the Royal Courts of Justice in London, during which the Crown Prosecution Service presented…

"'The experiment of total domination.'"

“‘The experiment of total domination.'”

‘Assange behind glass.’ Part 2. The Scrum continues to publish an extended essay on the Julian Assange case. As court proceedings continue in London—a travesty of due process by any serious measure—and in the face of the shocking silence among corporate…