“Birdsong and laughter.”
Remembering what matters most. Over the holidays, a friend paused toward the end of an evening’s talk and jollifications to ask, “Should we be celebrating?” We stood together in front of the decorated Christmas tree and in the course of…
“A New Year’s note to readers.”
Brief thoughts on the year gone by and the year ahead. 30 DECEMBER—There must be many years at the end of which it is tempting to rank them among the truly awful. Maybe this thought is a comment on our…
“An open letter to Joe Biden.”
Complicit in ‘the crime of crimes.’ Peter Dimock, the distinguished novelist, previously graced our pages two years ago this week, when Deep Vellum, the Dallas publisher, brought out Daybook from Sheep Meadow: The Notebooks of Tallis Martinson, the most recent of his innovative…
“Roger Waters and the one-state solution.”
Breaking the silence. 18 OCTOBER—When the topic is Israel, you have to be very precise if you write for The New York Times opinion page. There is no endorsing the racist grotesques who sit in a coalition with Prime Minister Netanyahu’s also…
“Humanity in exile.”
Four decades of neoliberal reforms. We first met Luka Filipović when he spoke this summer at a conference in Switzerland we have noted previously in these pages. We were immediately struck by the force and confidence with which Luka spoke. He…
“‘Innocent Israelis.'”
Indifference in the desert. Of all the gruesome images and stomach-turning news reports to come out of Israel since Hamas launched its daring attack across the Gaza border last Saturday, one incident stays stubbornly with me. It occurred early on…
“The end of Kevin McCarthy.”
The Democrats miscalculate. Schadenfreude might well be how the Democrats are feeling with the removal of Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker earlier this week, but buyer’s remorse is almost certain to follow, given that whoever succeeds McCarthy will almost certainly…
“Propaganda’s casualties.
Our psychological and social disintegration. Like many American kids I was raised, in part, on Saturday morning cartoons, and one of the programs my siblings and I routinely watched was “The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show.” It was no accident that…
“‘The undiscovered country.'”
We are responsible for our irresponsibility. When I travel abroad, which is infrequently these days, I find myself more than occasionally expressing gratitude to those I meet. “We Americans are fortunate,” I explain, “in that others are usually able to…
“Ukraine, before and after.”
Scott Ritter’s take. Scott Ritter, a former Marine intelligence officer with a distinguished record as a weapons inspector, seems to us among the most interesting analysts now looking at the U.S. proxy war in Ukraine from the perpective of a man…
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