Patrick Lawrence: Russian (Melo)drama
After a few hours of high drama in southwestern Russia last Saturday, featuring a paramilitary leader, 4,000 to 6,000 followers, and a small column of trucks and other military vehicles driving north toward Moscow, let us keep our heads when…
Patrick Lawrence: Ellsberg and ‘The Process of My Awakening’
Of all the fine things written and said about Daniel Ellsberg since his death June 16, there is a thread running through them we ought not miss, a story Ellsberg himself told better than anyone else. It is a story…
Patrick Lawrence: Why Can’t Blinken and Sullivan Get China Right?
The Biden admin’s continuation of Trump-era policies with China have not boded well thus far. It is two years now since Antony “Guardrails” Blinken and Jake Sullivan flew to Anchorage and in a matter of two days made a perfect…
Patrick Lawrence: First There Were Neo-Nazis, Then There Were No Nazis, Then There Were
I tell you, serving as a New York Times correspondent these days cannot be easy. You have to convey utter nonsense to your readers while maintaining a straight face and a serious demeanor. You have to suggest the Russians may…
Patrick Lawrence: The War We’re Finally Allowed to See
Let us consider the following paragraphs, which appear in the May 29 edition of The New Yorker: While Tynda and his team were fighting from the trench, long and powerful fusillades had issued from another Ukrainian position, on a hilltop…
Patrick Lawrence: John Durham and the Burying of American History
There are certain things I do not quite get since Special Counsel John Durham’s report on the epically corrupt conduct of Donald Trump’s enemies during the 2016 election campaigns went to Congress last week. Many things, actually. For all the ground Durham…
Journalists for Sale: Tucker, Teixeira and Taibbi (w/ Patrick Lawrence)
ScheerPost’s own Max Jones and Diego Ramos are back with another video interview except this time it is under the official name for their show: Journalists for Sale. We hope the irony isn’t lost on our readers and we are…
Patrick Lawrence: The Origin of the Specious
“Why is our collective mood so sour? We are awash with material wealth, and technology provides us with unprecedented powers. But this veneer of well-being masks a deeper crisis. … Our institutions are crumbling, leaving us vulnerable and aimless. … …
Patrick Lawrence: Farewell to the Welfare State? Not Just Yet.
Maybe you recall all the post–Cold War talk of a “peace dividend” and maybe you don’t: It depends on when you took up residence on this mortal coil. The term arose as the Soviet Union disintegrated and was commonly mentioned…
Patrick Lawrence: Journalists-on-Journalists Crime
I’ve read a lot of smear since Fox News dismissed Tucker Carlson as its premier evening news presenter late last month. How could I not? It was everywhere, and more fecal matter is being flung Carlson’s way as we speak….
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