Sharmine Narwani on the end of the Syrian war and the “post-imperial Middle East”
Middle East correspondent Narwani sees a new era emerging in Asia, while Trump, Pompeo and Bolton bluster In part one of my exchange with Sharmine Narwani, the Beirut-based correspondent dissected the just-ended Syrian conflict as one of the very few journalists…

Reporter Sharmine Narwani on the secret history of America’s defeat in Syria
After years covering the “main battlefield in World War III,” Narwani says everything you think you know is wrong When the war in Syria was recently declared decisively over, there were few correspondents or witnesses to turn to for a…

What happens when Assad wins the war in Syria?
There are many significant consequences to this outcome, and it’s crucial that we understand them Given the unexpected pace of events in recent weeks, the end of Syria’s seven-year agony appears to be very near. It is now all but…

Scholar Robert Meister on a new model: Using the financial markets to fuel historical justice
Revolutionary thinker and author of “After Evil” on how the financial markets could be leveraged toward justice Part 1 of my illuminating interview with Robert Meister, the author of “After Evil: A Politics of Human Rights,” explored some of the…

Scholar Robert Meister on America: Saying “the past is evil” doesn’t mean the evil is past
Part 1: A leading critic of “human rights discourse” on how we abandoned any sense of historical justice I first came upon Robert Meister a few years ago, when Peter Dimock, a singularly gifted novelist whose judgment I trust, urged…

If it’s hard for you to deal with Korean peace talks because of Trump, maybe get your head checked
The military-industrial-national-security-media complex now lines up steadfastly in defense of the wrong choice It is now more than a week since the Trump-Kim summit in Singapore, and still Americans have not come to terms with precisely what happened that fateful…

Is the Korean spring now over and the Trump-Kim summit on hold? Maybe — and maybe not
Trump’s hawkish advisers are clearly trying to scuttle peace talks. But China and North Korea may be ahead of them The potentially historic summit of Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un is on. No, it is off and we will…

After the Iran deal: A foreign policy built on arrogance, ignorance and sheer desperation
American foreign policy has long trended toward dark places. Under this administration, that has accelerated I am with Craig Murray now that the Trump administration has determined to scuttle the accord governing Iran’s nuclear programs. “This moment will be seen…

Trump is about to kill the Iran deal — and what lies ahead could be catastrophe
Next act of decaying American empire: Abandoning a deal that promised a new beginning in the Middle East Here comes the next act in the Theater of Desperation that Washington has made of American foreign policy. Unless President Trump changes…

History is being made on the Korean peninsula: But what kind? And who will make it?
This week’s historic meeting in Panmunjom was much more than symbolism. Now the pressure is on Washington According to the agenda I have on my desk, the leaders of North and South Korea spent eight and a half hours together…
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